
Survey..Which do you prefer.??

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Sunrises or sunsets.?

And why please.?




  1. Sunrises are pretty

    Sunsets- bleeugh. Boring.  

  2. sunsets coz its relaxing

  3. Sunrises. They are more quiet due to less traffic. At sunset time there's still a lot of cars on the road.

    I think both are seen as serene and relaxing, so yep: sunrises :)

  4. Sunset i prefer night time :)


  5. Sunrises .... they make me feel clean .... like anything is possible ....

  6. At home: sunrise

    On hols: sunsets

  7. Sunrises by far. To me is a wonderful quiet time when the day is coming alive, giving birth so to speak. There is a peace and tranquility that is special and you can feel it on your skin. The colours of the sun lightening the sky are beautiful.

    Sunsets are the opposites. They are the death of the day and always make me melancholy or just a bit sad. I'm usually feeling a little tired or tense from the day so that's negative too. The colours of sunsets can be spectacular but fade into black which is the colour I hate most.

    Hope this answers your Q.

  8. sunsets are so impressive :)

  9. Sunsets, I miss most sunrises as I am asleep

  10. Sunrises because the are full of hope..

  11. sunsets; i am awake at sunrise i am asleep  

  12. sunrise. it seems like the whole world is asleep.

    its best to watch it after staying up all night. then you can just go straight to breakfast, tired but somehow hyper.

  13. sunrise, because it is so beautiful to watch the sky turn from black to navy blue, to dark purple, to pink, to sky blue in a matter of just minutes. I was forced to become a morning person thanks to my 4 am job, and i drive 40 miles to work everyday. It's so beautiful to watch while driving on an empty interstate. especially with spots of clouds in the sky

  14. Sunrise would be the main one. I start my day by watching the sunrise. It's really beautiful to see the day unfolding before your eyes.  : )

    Sunset is good, too. It's the closing of a day. It can be calming to just sit and watch the sun go down and the start of night approaching.

  15. Sunset.

    Because i dont want to get up early to see the sunrise.

  16. Sunset it's a really awesome sight to watch while sitting on a boat and watching the reflection across the water.

  17. Sunsets...I can sit on the balcony with a nice bottle of smirnoff and a packet of scratchings admiring the beautiful view....and its so peaceful.

  18. Sunset, because I'm never up to watch the sun rise.

    And sunset over the sea is out of this world.

    Blaster 2 is such a romantic. Can I share your pork scratchings?

  19. sunsets, because all the colours are just amazing and I'm rarely up early enough to see the sunrise

  20. Sunsets, because I like to hear the 'hiss' as the sun hits the sea.

  21. Sunrise as you can hear the birds singing, too.

  22. Sunsets, nothing better than sat watching one with the one you love, and not a care in the world, when in Ireland was on the beach watching one, was so magical and beautiful

  23. I get to see both . I cannot really choose between them as both are beautiful

  24. sunrise. as a taxi driver working nights I always see the sunrise. The sky is in its glory as it is brightening with a magnificent way of colours. it also lets me know that my shift will soon be ending.  

  25. I would say sunset ... but due a certain lady I have seen some beautiful sunrises recently too .....

  26. both are good, especially when youve been up all night and seen both =)

  27. sunsets because it reminds mr of all the cute girls on here

  28. sunsets because sunrises are to early in the morning and i cant be stuffed getting off my @ss just to see the sun.

  29. Summer sunrises on clear days because you get that low lying mist and everythings really quiet. Aaaaaaaah.

  30. Sunset because then the killing can begun us vampires need blood to survive.

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