
Survey..Which of these describes you best.?

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  1. Intro

  2. 100% all times...

  3. depends on my mood and what is going on around me, i tend to be more eccentric than anything else.

  4. Extrovert for sre

  5. I think I am more introverted....I used to be more of an extrovert as a child, though.

  6. introverted  

  7. Introverted.

  8. Extrovert....definitely...=)

  9. Extroverted...yup! ♥

  10. present physical circumstances I am now battling to change, I am often forced to seem introverted.

    But no, I love the world as ONE of any possible TRUE stages!

  11. Introverted, sadly. I am painfully shy.

  12. I am introverted in new situations and when I'm sober.

    Give me familiar surroundings and experiences and I'm extroverted. Especially if there's a glass or two of Merlot in my hand.

  13. I'm a total extrovert.

  14. Eccentric introvert.

  15. Introverted when the mood takes me...Extroverted when the mood takes me...A bit of both really... :-)

  16. Extroverted crackpot with crazy genes.

  17. I am a bit of both, a couple of lagers and I am very extrovert, I like a laugh and I am usually joking about so I suppose I am more extrovert.

  18. Introverted but not shy, I like to be in the background....

  19. introverted until I've had a few JDs then I change into an extrovert

  20. neither

  21. introverted

  22. Extrovert slightly Introverted

  23. I used to be introvert, but as I've got older I've become more broad minded and outgoing.

  24. Introvert gone extrovert out of necessity. Life sometimes doesn't give you a choice. You adapt or drown going against the tide.  : )

  25. Abit of both confident in myself but not overly, just know who I am now & not bothered if someone likes me or not....when younger used to blush terrible in late teens & shy but also bit mad...Have no problem talking with people at all but if had to stand up and give a speech in front of people would faint with quietly confident & like a laugh so would be a mix of two I think.......depending on my mood........Do like my own company at times & love the peace & quiet.

  26. Depends on mood.. More towards eccentric..

  27. Waaay extroverted.  

  28. extrovert with introvert tendencies!:)

  29. I am more Per vert lol

  30. mmm!! somewhere inbetween ... intrvorxted  

  31. A bit of both, leaning more to the introverted now, used to be a big extrovert but have mellowed with age

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