
Survey..Who bakes the best .??

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In your household...??




  1. Me, just like my dear old ma. god bless you mum.x Luv Ya

  2. IT'S ME

  3. Cakes Me, Quiche's You...

  4. ME, my husband is not that good at it!!

  5. my 15yr old daughter, she does home economics in school and brings home fairly nice cakes and stuff, im brutal at baking :)

  6. me...<^><...

  7. There is only me who cooks in my house so you can safely say that is me , although I haven't baked for a while sadly . I love making bread and cakes

  8. i do.make cinnamon rolls that will melt in your mouth

  9. I would say my mom and I kind of draw ......

  10. Me.

  11. me... even though all i could bake is pancakes?.... wait is that even baking?

  12. Me I make the best muffins and cokies my mum never bakes anything!

  13. That would be me :-)

  14. Me!

  15. For brownies?

    My favorite blue ribbon winner, of the Va. state fair.

    My niece Amanda.

    Absolutely delicious.

  16. My youngest son bakes the best sponges, whilst I bake the best bread.

  17. Me :)  

  18. mom

  19. wake and  

  20. that"s an easy !

  21. me

  22. I'm the only one in my household so by default that makes it me, but even if there were others it would probably still be me cause I bake really really well!

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