
Survey: Why do you decide to STAR a question?

by Guest58658  |  earlier

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Cos I want to ask better questions that warrant stars :(




  1. i just star questions....cuz i feel like being nice =] or it was a question that got my attention....

  2. I star depending on accuracy, experience, and details:)  

  3. If it's an interesting question.

  4. Cause its got something I specifically want to find out about.  I use my list of starred questions as a kind of reference library!!!

  5. i usually don't think about it... but i would star any question that didn't irritate the c**p out of me like "what's joe jonas's number!?!?"

  6. when i like the question, when its interesting or if it makes me smile or laugh!

  7. what makes you so sure im gonna star this question? i didnt before and i wont anytime soon

  8. i star almost every question, because i'm nice :)

  9. when i like it

    are it's interesting to me

    or if i was thinking about it

    and other stuff..........


    and when i enjoyed answering it :D  

  10. Usually if it is interesting and I don't have an answer to it.

  11. Oi viverio!

    I'm gonna star this one!

  12. if they're interesting or funny or of they just catch my eye

  13. I usually star my contacts questions that I find interesting so that my other contacts can answer them as well. : )

  14. Because it's interesting =P

  15. I just star fun questions and just stuff that I think my other contacts would like to see!

  16. When they are interesting.

  17. questions i find interssting or very unusual!!

  18. I star a question if I consider it to be interesting, if I would like to see what my contacts have to think, or if I would like to see more opinions.

  19. I usually star questions some of my contacts might like to answer as well.

  20. if its intresting, and if it'll get alot of debates and opinions.

  21. either cuz it was interesting or just cuz i wanted to me nice  =]

    imma give you a star

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