
Survey: Why in your opinion do you think people seem to be getting ruder, more aggressive, less patient etc ?

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Don't bother watching the news now as every 2nd story is about another teenager stabbed, or someone else murdered...........why is there such a surge in all this killing??.........

THANKS everyone for taking the time................




  1. Society today and its problems caused by a very bad governing body.

    The laws stink and are heavily weighted in the favour of kids who are now allowed to do as they please without getting the correct punishment.Our judicial system needs to be turned upside down to bring some law and order back to alleviate the problems caused by a handful of people who are only concerned about how much money they can make by allowing thousands of unwanted immigrants into the country...and thats another sore point.!!!

  2. Well these days I think people are in too much of a hurry. Everything is faster, the internet, the cell phone. It's like they want what they want right now. Customer service is out the window, I mean why even bother to treat people with respect when you are helping them make a purchase, ultimately all they want is what they came in for and they are in a hurry. Give it to them and let them go.

  3. because life is all about making time

  4. The news mainly concentrates on the bad stuff going on in the world, there is so much good stuff going on in the world to but they're not interested in that too much because it doesn't make good news.

  5. internet , video games and metal

  6. Living in a 'me' society

    Everybody seeming like they have too much attitude when if they ever have any talent to back it up with I don't seem to ever see it (women as well as Men now)

    Try listening to the pop songs and watching tv celebs and see what you think

  7. Because no one really cares about each other anymore. Human lives are worthless to a lot of people and it is very sad to see. Young men , and in some cases girls ,have to prove things to be accepted into the gang culture that seems to be taking over. I am not saying that all youths are involved ,it is a minority , there are a lot of good kids out there . A lot of adults don't care and stick their heads in the sand and don't want to see or take action against what is going on in society today . I see it a lot where I live where youths intimidate and nothing is done and the police won't do anything either. Society now is going to h**l

  8. all has to do with money

  9. because most people in society today are immature and stupid, and i think the increase in the amount of drugs may have an effect on it also

  10. one thing. the world is going into a h**l hole.

    It isn't video games, it is telling what is real and what isn't.

    i'm a gamer but i'm good natured.

    but yes i agree with u.

  11. yep, I agree

    What I dont like is old fuddy-duddys who thin ALL teenagers are like this, it really annoys me

    EDIT: I dont think its about video games, internet and metal.

    It is about kids being confused and uneducated.

  12. Everyone is too stressed and living life too fast. They are worried about the economy and everything costing so much. We all need to slow down and cut back where we can.

  13. i think society in general has changed theres no values like there used to be everyone is caught up in there own little worlds, routine,fast food no time spent together,some have been left to fend for themselves,they run in packs,especially in the city's,its even like that in the towns and villages,wars,its as if its out of control they are trying different things,its a bit late if you ask me,but they have to start somewhere,shouldn't let the rot set in to start with,once the horses have bolted and all that,violence portrayed on the big screen games there is a whole number of factors,but like you say its a fear for your son,and that's why you haven't to give up hope because your son and others like him are the next generation and its those we cant give up for..

  14. Yes, it's getting quite depressing...

  15. Most of the news is negative because its easier to find negative news and it has a much larger impact. When was the last time you heard any good news on a news channel? I'm not sure if the news accurately reflects real issues or is simply blown out of proportion. Either way i tend to avoid the news altogether.

  16. I can share your fears as a grandparent.

    It seems to me that we now have too many laws protecting the so called  "human rights" of those doing the killings rather than serving the families of those killed ..

    We are living in a faster paced world where everything has to be taken as quickly as possible, sadly this now includes lives.

    I would like to be able to offer solution but until we have a radical change in the laws I cannot.

    I fear at times for the future of this generation of kids as they now seem to have the lowest level of morals and standards ever ..

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