
Survey: Would you consider it satisfying for some people on here to just report others questions & answers..?

by Guest63784  |  earlier

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Would you say it makes them feel good in themselves?

THANKS everyone for taking the time to answer the question........




  1. I know myself and a couple of others have had people going through our old questions and answers and reporting them. I just wish i had so much time on my hands, or such a dull and boring existence to even think about doing that :)

  2. yeah i hate those people ¬¬

  3. as bruce says, we got matching violations for long gone questions  

  4. its probably just to make them feel big and compensate for other smaller things

  5. Don't let the b******s grind you down . x

  6. They are probably just unpopular in real life and on here and don't like other users who are nice decent popular users

  7. Maybe for some very bored kids who just report for a laugh

  8. It probably gives them a feeling of power...but in reality there nothing but a bunch of low life cowards...they probably find it very satisfying to themselves...I'd find it satisfying to put my foot up there???????...

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