
Survey: Would you rather have love or respect? Please answer only one and indicate male or female?

by  |  earlier

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Please give a two word answer, (love or respect) and (male or female). I know a lot of you say both and, you can't have one without the other and have long opinions to write. Just separate the two word answer from your opinion. It's easier to count the totals.

I have asked this question several times to get enough Qualified responses.

Current total of Qualified Answeres: 265

Men for Respect: 38

Men for Love: 27

Women for Respect: 125

Women for Love: 75




  1. Respect (female)

    You can't respect yourself without loving yourself.  You can't love others if you don't love yourself.

  2. Female. R E S P E C T!

    find out what it means to me :D

  3. Woman - Respect

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This question has 3 answers.


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