
Survey: do points in YA cricket correlate well with...???

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All of these:

1. quality contribution

2. popularity

3. trust-worthiness

In other words, would you say the people who have scored maximum points consistently give quality Q&A, or are popular or trust-worthy.

Conversely, would you expect good quality Q&A from those who have less points, and, would you expect them to be either popular or trust-worthy?

Would these apply for top contributors?

Thank you




  1. 1. In rare cases, an unestablished user will come up with a genius answer or question that will get the forum excitied, BUT mainly the well known users (which is mostly users with 2,000+ points) will contribute the most to this forum.

    Although when i was on 1,000 pts i never got many answers to good questions, now that i am well known in the forum i do seem to get more answers, so people with more points are more recognised

    2. Yeah of course, Bingalee is the exceptions, when her accounts unfortunately get terminated she is still popular even when using an account with less than 1,000 pts. Mainly users who have a good amount of points are popular

    3. I would like to say no comment, but users with 10,000 pts have more power than users with less points, meaning if a user with that power decides to target you then its bye bye!! thats why its hard to trust anyone on here, besides people i talk to daily

    Obviously people with less points can come up with better answers than users with high points, my good friends Kinney & Trio, are 2 of the smartest people in the forum, even if they dont have more than 2,000 pts. There is no rule, to the more points you have the smarter you are, because any cricket buff could turn up on here tomorrow and be smarter than anyone in the forum.

    Every top-contributor in this forum is smart! END OF!

  2. there are some very knowledgeable top contributors on yahoo

    some on the history section are teachers and university lectures they say ..

    on the science section there are some TC scientist

    id love to know if on the cricket section there are some ex test cricketers,,, but id say most on here are good TC

    on the zoology section there are some TC contributors who work in zoos but there not all that good ,iv had a few arguments with some

    apparently Oz was a top contributer badge holder ..but became some how disillusioned and turned into a bad boy


  3. Yes indeed I do! KooKee & JPeeling are two very knowledgeable people as is Vayakil,Ange,CJ,Kiwijoey(who is also an expert mathematician)and many more. The ones who displease others are the ones who remain on level one consistentlyAnd the answerer above, Newfy is also very good at answering sensibly.

  4. well, when i first started in Y!A cricket section, i can tell you that my answers were quite breif and there wasn't much quality in my answers. But since then i've learnt so much, and i know a lot more about cricket. Which makes my answers better.

    There are really good users who have less points. But you only start trusting them after you see them answer with some excellent responses.

    I use to be a top contributor, but i lost it, because i didn't spend enough time on here.

    But ussually people with a lot of points give good answers, but there are people with less points who give just as good answers, sometimes even better.

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