
Survey - do you abide by the speed limit?

by  |  earlier

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another survey for my drivers ed class, so if you're going to answer please answer all the fallowing questions:


2. s*x

3. Type of car (not exact type just car, van, SUV etc)

4. Years of experience

5. Do you abide by the 55 mph speed limit and reason

6. Do you abide by the 25 mph speed limit and reason

thank you =]




  1. 69 male  f150  50 years yes that is the speed limit yes that is the speed limit.

  2. 1. 61

    2. M

    3. Van

    4. 43

    5. Yes. I go 55 in the higher speed zone also because I can get 6 miles per gallon more on average than if I went 65. It is also the law.

    6.Yes. I try to obey all traffic laws. I enforced them for 30 years and I always felt I should practice what I preached. I had a lot of fun chasing speeders. I prefer to spend my money on some thing better than  traffic fines.

  3. 1.Age  28

    2. s*x  Male

    3. Type of car (not exact type just car, van, SUV etc)

    98 Ford Escort Stage 1 Turbo Custom V8

    4. Years of experience  2 and 3/4 :D

    5. Do you abide by the 55 mph speed limit and reason h**l no I always go 5-10 over because I know I can get off the ticket and I have proven that face at lest 4 times now. Been pulled over 5 times one ticket (and I was criminal speeding) and gotten off 4 times because I  know the trick of getting off.

    6. Do you abide by the 25 mph speed limit and reason

    Yes, because cops are more likley to pull you over in the lower speed zone such as 25 or 35. I may go 5mph over some times.

  4. 1. 22 years old

    2. Male

    3. Full size truck

    4. 7 years

    5. No, i usually go 10 or 15mph over, because i have a radar detector and that's usually highway speeds an IMO 10 or 15 over isn't really acting recklessly.

    6. YES!! because 25mph zones are either school or residential and there is a high possibly of hitting a child.

  5. 1. 19

    2. F

    3. Car

    4. 4

    5. In nj we have 55 and 65mph speed limits. I always go ten over.

    6. For 25 to 50 mphs I only go 5 over.

  6. 1)27


    3)2007 BMW 335i

    4)11 years

    5)No, Car Cannot Drive Slow

    6)Same as Above

  7. 16 going on 17



    1 and 1/2

    Yes= I am ALWAYS cautious of the speed limit and ALWAYS follow the posted limits


  8. 1. 36

    2. F

    3. Compact car

    4. 8

    5. Yes. (1) Perfect record that I plan on keeping (2) What's the point of speeding? I've actually arrived at my destination sooner by driving slower.

    6. In my area these are school zones. I always abide by the zone limit when it is in effect. If they are not in effect I go the posted road limit.

  9. 1. 23

    2. F

    3. car

    4. 5

    5. On city streets yes, freeway speeds in Ca are 65mph but I usually average 75mph.

    6. 25 usually means you're in a residential area or school zone, and I always travel at or below the speed limit.

  10. 21 years old


    chevy colbolt and dodge dakota V8

    driving since i was 15

    And i have a question for you, whats a speed limit? lol

    no im not happy unless im going just a lil faster then everyone else

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