
Survey for pilots(easy

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Can you answer these questions(all or some) and mail them to me on


Only pilots or cadet pilots or wannabees answer please!

Only if you have knowledge on this lol

thanks xx




  1. FYI, I just got my PPL, but here are my answers:

    1. Tell us about yourself.

    I'm in high school, I have a job, use the money that I make and said job to fly, have fun flying.

    2. What can you bring to this company?

    Nothing, I don't have a commercial pilot license.

    3. Have you ever had an Emergency?


    4. How did you deal with it?


    5. How did you get started in Aviation?

    Young Eagles flight...then started lessons...

    6. Who have been your role model's, or who has had the most influence on you?

    The sun and the moon

    7. What goal's do you have?

    To enjoy flying

    8. What are some goal's that you had that were never achieved, and how did you deal with it?

    Becoming a millionaire before age 10...I failed so I gave up on that dream.

    9. Where do you see yourself in 10 year's?

    In the sky.

    10. What is your greatest accomplishment?

    Earning my PPL

    11. How would you fly this SID?


    12. We see, your flying various type's of aircraft for different companies, how will you feel about coming to work here and just flying one type of aircraft. Will it become monotonous, boring?

    Nah, flying is fun.

    13. We have a 5:30am show every morning, how do you feel about that?

    Eh, mornings are alright.

    14. The Capt. continues an approach beyond minimum's, he tell's you that he's shot this approach a 1,000 times, know's the area, and everything's fine. What will you do?

    Punch the capt.

    15. You find your Capt. drinking before a flight, how will you handle this?

    Punch the capt.

    16. You are talking to the Capt., and you smell alcohol. Although you didn't see him drinking, what would you do?

    Punch the capt.

    17. You smell smoke in the cockpit, what initial action should you take?

    Turn off the cabin air (it's a 152...right?!)

    18. Then what do you do?

    Uhh...checklists please?

    19. The Capt. tell's you the smoke is normal and it will clear itself, 15 minutes later the condition is growing worse. The Capt. gives you the same response.. now, what would you do?

    Punch the captain, checklists please.

    20. The aircraft is loaded way beyond gross wt., the Capt. tell's you that he does this all the time, and the aircraft will fly. What do you do?

    Punch the capt., weight and balance sheets/calculator please.

    21. You have been cleared for take-off, upon getting airborne with the gear in the well's, what kind of conversation are you going to have with the Capt?

    Hows the family, have you been drinking, how much do you get paid, do you enjoy your job?

    22. Can you brief this approach?

    What approach?

    23. What is V one?

    A V speed

    24. I see your flying various twin's, do they all have a critical engine?

    Yeah...the one that still works when the other quits.

    25. Which one's do not, and why?


    27. You find yourself flying with an arrogant Capt., and you have a real personality clash, how do you deal with this?

    Punch the capt.

    28. Your the PIC on one of our Lear's, your taking off on a 13,000' runway with clear skies and unlimited visibility, upon getting airborne you have an emergency and the co-pilot call's out that there's a problem. With 11,000 feet of runway still in front of you, and the gear still down, what would you do?

    Close the throttles, brake.

    29. You have the Pres., the V.P., and the board of Director's in the back, and they are ADAMANT about getting to a shareholder meeting on time. You get 30 mile's from your destination, and the arrival airport is covered under a LVL 6 cell. The Cell has very little movement, what would you do?


    30. We see your flying a ____C152____. Tell us about this aircraft. ( the question's are endless here with engine's and system's, etc.)

    This aircraft is equipped with a four cylinder, horrizontally opposed, overhead valve, aircooled engine with a wet sump oil system. The model is a Lycombing 0-235-L2C and is rated at 110 hp at 2550 rpm. Major engine accessories mounted on the front of the engine include a belt driven alternator, and a starter. (no, I don't have the poh with me)

    32. What is the most difficult decision that you have had to make? Aviation or non-aviation related? What did you learn from it?

    I decided to get a job at a retail store...I learned that most retail employees are underpaid, underappreciated, and most importantly, hate their jobs.

    33. If you were a professional pilot and had an early morning trip; how would you prepare yourself for this trip?

    Wake up a few hours earlier, catch an hour long news segment, check the weather, take a shower, drink so coffee, and get movin.

    34. Discuss a bad situation which you managed to turn around?

    Hmmm...blanking on that.

    35. If you could no longer fly due to medical reasons; what would you do?

    Fly anyways.

    36. Besides good pay why do you want to be a professional pilot?

    To fly above everyone else, looking down and laughing at them for being stuck on the ground.

    37. What makes a great pilot?


    38. What makes a bad pilot?

    Ignorance, arrogance.

    39. Most people have a person in their lives that influenced their career. Who was your mentor?

    I don't really have a career yet.

    46. If you attain all your goals as a professional pilot what do you intend to give back to aviation?

    Safe skies.

    41. Based on your aircraft discuss a flight in IFR as well as icing-conditions?

    C152 aint IFR rated....use a brush to get the frost off the wing before flight. Pray for no ice....PITOT HEAT!!!!

    42. Your aviation career although progressing nicely is happening very slowly. How do you feel about this situation?

    Any progress is enough for me.

    43. What event in your life caused you to feel the way you do about aviatioN.


  2. I see you are preparing for a pilot interview. If you actually have one, good for you. No small feat in the current climate.

    May I suggest  that you should not only be able to, but should also be prepared to give honest answers to any and all questions based on who you are and your thoughts and experience.

    Should you rely on the words an experiences of others, any pilot recruiter worth his salt will see straight through you and you will not be hired.

  3. Link doesnt work

  4. 1. Tell us about yourself.


      Im a pilot.

    2. What can you bring to this company?  

      What Company?

    3. Have you ever had an Emergency?


    4. How did you deal with it?


    5. How did you get started in Aviation?

        Private Pilot License

    6. Who have been your role model's, or who has had the most influence?


    Teacher / Taught me lots of stuff.

    7. What goal's do you have?


    8. What are some goal's that you had that were never achieved, and how did you deal with it?

        Hit the post...aimed a little more to the right.

    9. Where do you see yourself in 10 year's?

        Still in debt.

    10. What is your greatest accomplishment?

           My Family

    11. How would you fly this SID?

          What SID?

    12. We see, your flying various type's of aircraft for different companies, how will you feel about coming to work here and just flying one type of aircraft. Will it become monotonous, boring?

         That would be great...I hate training.

    13. We have a 5:30am show every morning, how do you feel about that?

          Not well..I like to sleep in.

    14. The Capt. continues an approach beyond minimum's, he tell's you that he's shot this approach a 1,000 times, know's the area, and everything's fine. What will you do?

          By the time he said all that we should be on the taxiway

    15. You find your Capt. drinking before a flight, how will you handle this?

    Tell him that we have a 3 hour flight in a corporate jet without a lav..he should wait until the last hour to drink a soda.

    16. You are talking to the Capt., and you smell alcohol. Although you didn't see him drinking, what would you do?

    Tell him next time he goes out he should give me a call I was just sitting in my room on the computer all night.  Then take his keys away.

    17. You smell smoke in the cockpit, what initial action should you take?

          Memory Items for smoke.

    18. Then what do you do?


    19. The Capt. tell's you the smoke is normal and it will clear itself, 15 minutes later the condition is growing worse. The Capt. gives you the same response.. now, what would you do?

          Ask him if I can bum one.

    20. The aircraft is loaded way beyond gross wt., the Capt. tell's you that he does this all the time, and the aircraft will fly. What do you do?

          Change a couple of the passengers to half weights.

    21. You have been cleared for take-off, upon getting airborne with the gear in the well's, what kind of conversation are you going to have with the Capt?

         Necessary to the safety of flight up to 10,000.

    22. Can you brief this approach?

          What Approach?

    23. What is V one?

          Takeoff Decision speed.

    24. I see your flying various twin's, do they all have a critical engine?


    25. Which one's do not, and why?

    Counter rotating props.

    27. You find yourself flying with an arrogant Capt., and you have a real personality clash, how do you deal with this?

          Read the USA Today.

    28. Your the PIC on one of our Lear's, your taking off on a 13,000' runway with clear skies and unlimited visibility, upon getting airborne you have an emergency and the co-pilot call's out that there's a problem. With 11,000 feet of runway still in front of you, and the gear still down, what would you do?

          Keep on trucking.

    29. You have the Pres., the V.P., and the board of Director's in the back, and they are ADAMANT about getting to a shareholder meeting on time. You get 30 mile's from your destination, and the arrival airport is covered under a LVL 6 cell. The Cell has very little movement, what would you do?

          Hold and/or look for a close airport that will work.

    30. We see your flying a _________. Tell us about this aircraft. ( the question's are endless here with engine's and system's, etc.)

           Kite...well I have 100 yards of string and yes that is Spongebob.  You want to look at the other pictures on my phone.

    32. What is the most difficult decision that you have had to make? Aviation or non-aviation related? What did you learn from it?

           Vasectomy – Yea...IT HURTS

    33. If you were a professional pilot and had an early morning trip; how would you prepare yourself for this trip?

          Get lots of sleep.

    34. Discuss a bad situation which you managed to turn around?

          Flying toward a line of thunderstorms with no way around.  We turned around.

    35. If you could no longer fly due to medical reasons; what would you do?

         Go back to school.

    36. Besides good pay why do you want to be a professional pilot?

          Lost of time off.

    37. What makes a great pilot?

          Someone that can fly well and easy to get along with.

    38. What makes a bad pilot?

           Someone that you always have to keep an eye on or not easy to get along with.

    39. Most people have a person in their lives that influenced their career. Who was your mentor?

          My first flight instructor.

    46. If you attain all your goals as a professional pilot what do you intend to give back to aviation?

         They want more from me

    41. Based on your aircraft discuss a flight in IFR as well as icing-conditions?

          Anti-Ice on below -10C.

    42. Your aviation career although progressing nicely is happening very slowly. How do you feel about this situation?


    43. What event in your life caused you to feel the way you do about aviation?

          Getting furloughed.

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