
Survey for school: topic: noise protection?

by Guest63842  |  earlier

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can you please give me 2 short ansvers for a survey, we have to do in shchool, they really dont have to be long

1. are you in a crossfire of noise in youre normal course of life, in any way?

2. If the answer is yes: how much does that desturbe you on a scale of 1 to 10

please forgive me the wrong grammar, i am from swizzerland, hope you understand me.

thanks for the answers




  1. I do not have a lot of loud noises around me in my daily life.  

    Wow, you're actually apologizing for bad grammar, and English isn't even your native tongue.  I've never even seen an American/English person apologize for bad grammar online.  Congratulations.

  2. I do not like alot of unnecessary noise.  I roll my car window up when I see a big truck or motorcycle coming....I mute commercials when I'm watching a show on TV....I turn off the TV when I am not interested in it.  Especially in the morning!  I guess noise is okay if it's noise I am interested in.  Otherwise, it bugs me.

  3. Living in a big city I am surrounded by noise.  Cars, trucks, and emergency vehicles on the road all day.  There is no peace of mind for me, which is a bother.

  4. I grew up in a houseful of children in a corner house on a main traffic route on Long Island.  I just got use to hearing alot of "noise".Today I live within ear shot of a major expressway in NYC, across from a very busy "concrete" park and a construction site, and ride the subway to work.

    I can zone out any typical noise except the repetitive pounding of the steel beams into the foundation and the unpredictable eruption of our dogs barking.

    (I just realized I don't play the radio much.)

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