
Survey on computers : Please answer if you work with computers?

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1 What is your level of computer knowledge?

* None

* Very Little

* Moderate

* Some Formal Training

* Experienced User / Instructor

2 How does computers and technology affect / impact your field of employment?

* Not at All

* Minor Impact

* Moderate Impact

* Fairly High Impact

* Extremely Important

3 How long have you been working with computers ?

4 Has there been a need for you to be re-skilled at any time during the course of your employment




  1. 1) Experienced User/Instructor

    2) Extremely important

    3) Been using one since i was 5 I'm 25 now, with a Bachelor's in comptuer science.

    4) Yes, constantly.

    I'm not sure what you're using this for but these answers may skew your results. I'm a tech at a business aka working with computers is my job.

  2. 1. experienced

    2.extremely important

    3. 5 years

    4 many  

  3. 1. Experienced User

    2. Extremely Important

    3. 8 years

    4. No

  4. 1) moderate

    2) fairly high impact

    3) 6 years

    4) yes, always

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