
Survey question for essay, please help answer!?

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Hi everyone! I am doing a couple surveys and if you could please help it would be appreciated! The question is, if the gov't created a new program to help single parent families with low income pay their bills (auto, auto insurance, electric, gas, daycare etc., rent. etc.) would you as a taxpayer, agree with it or not and why. Also, do you think the gov't could afford it?




  1. h**l no!  President Kennedy asked the eternal question "ask not what your country can do for you but what you can do for your country."  Somewhere along the way since the early 60's Americans started asking exactly the opposite question.  Feed me, wipe me, burp me, I'm an American!

    We now have a $9,000,000,000,000 (that's trillion in case you stink at math) dollar debt just at the federal level of government.  Nobody bothers to count all the state and local government debt in our society.  We can't afford the government we have now and some idiots want even more government.

    They intend to bankrupt America.

  2. No.  I would not be for it.  All of us have to live within our means.  I don't want help paying my bills, and I don't want to help anyone else pay theirs.

    The government can always afford it, all they have to do is tax working people more.  The question is, what is the best use of the tax payer's money.  I don't believe it is paying someone's auto payment and insurance when low cost public transportation is available.

  3. Personally I wouldn't agree. I say this because it in the nature of mankind to want free things, like this program of child-grant to single jobless parents in some countries. People take advantage and go get the  money even for non-existing children. Others work , but since it is free money they claim other people's children or even worse, they can afford everything but they go for extra cash!!

    Basically, a program like that wouldn't be fare to us as tax payers. There are many reasons why couples break up. Sometimes it is because of their own egos or immorality, sometimes there are forcing situations or one parent may pass away. I'm not trying to contradict myself, just showing I understand both situations. But if the gov't caters for those people, then the gov't should cater people in many other similar issues, if there is such a thing called democracy.(but it won't afford handling too many things at once)

    The government can afford it, the are many ways of getting money. But from my opinion the government should not intervene!

  4. I would not agree with it. Some of my reasons:

    1) The government wouldn't pay their bills, I would via my taxes. I have had to do lots of things I didn't like/enjoy so I had a good job and money. Others have not done these things. They shouldn't have the rewards of my labor.

    2) Being free means being responsible. You can not have both freedom and a government that "takes care of you". I chose freedom.

    3) When you take the pain of bad decisions from people you also take away the motivation. You take their spirit and work ethic from them.

    4) Socialism has failed, given enough time, everywhere it has been tried. Capitalism has succeeded every time it has been tried.

    5) Taking my money by force and giving it to others is a step towards fascism.  

    6) The private sector works better then the government. We have already spent 6 trillion on poverty through the government and failed.

  5. It is not the responsibilities of the government to support people.  However, the government has a duty in supporting the economy.  To that end, helping single parent families pay their bills until they get on their feet is a must.

    We already help those families with welfare, lower taxes, etc.  Every so often someone attempts to make a better system or improve the one we got.  In other words, we already have a system that supports single parent families, but tries to limit those who do not need it from receiving benefits.

    I think the government is doing a good job in a difficult situation, with little support from rich and poor people who want more.  Rich people do not realize that increasing the median income of poorer people HELPS the economy.  Poor people just want the largest handout for the least effort.  Both types of thinking will hurt the economy.  I also believe that there are improvements or other systems that could work better.

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