
Survey shows Sports Fans don’t care about Sexual Orientation

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Survey shows Sports Fans don’t care about Sexual Orientation
There is always a tendency of change in the moods of people. Over the past few years, the world has seen shocking trends prevail and influence people. The freedom of expression and openness of mind has paved a way for many unusual practices to rise.
In recent memory, a survey about the acknowledgement of g*y-footballers has turned many heads around and raised many eye-brows. An online survey conducted by Staffordshire University in England shows that the new generation of British football fans have no issues with the confession of g*y-footballers. Ellis Cashmore, the professor of culture, media and sports at the Staffordshire University was the leading person in the survey. He got a helping hand from his colleague, Jamie Cleland, who is the senior sociology lecturer at the same university.
A report was published in Daily Star, revealed that an average of 90 percent of soccer fans would favour players who would admit that they were homosexual.  The report also said that there are plenty of soccer players in United Kingdom who fall into the category of homo-sexual but they do not openly disclose it. There is something holding them back, it may be a fear of acceptance by the society. Through this survey, the fans have shown a favourable state of mind and called it the right time for players to come out of the closet.
The online survey involved more than 2000 people and concluded that only seven percent of the people don’t want to see g*y players. It was actually the second phase of an online anonymous survey which urged the fans to opine honestly.
Professor Ellis Cashmore of Staffordshire University quoted, “Majority of people has said that g*y-footballers should come out, they won’t be facing much trouble on account of their personal interest”. He expressed his views in a telephonic interview with Reuters that he was surprised by the amazing results and response of people.
In the history of soccer, English player Justin Fashanu was the first, and as of now the only, professional soccer player who declared that he was g*y. Fashanu lived a miserable life and committed suicide. He was reported to have visited a local g*y sauna “Chariots Roman Spa” before committing suicide. He also left a suicide note which said, “I realised that I had already been presumed guilty. I don’t want to give any more embarrassment to my friends and family”.
More to the point, players in other sports like rugby and basketball couldn’t even muster up the courage to show their real side to the world. They always had the fear of losing face in the game. This was the reason which kept former rugby Captain Gareth Thomas quiet for long time but finally he admitted in 2009 that he was g*y.
Same is the case with John Amaechi, the former National Basketball Association (NBA) player who couldn’t disclose the reality during his career. He was retired from NBA in 2007 and after retirement he announced that he was g*y.
Anyhow, conditions have changed now and awareness has prevailed among people that there is a certain category of players who like a different lifestyle which is alright. The fans have supported them through the recent online survey.  
Obviously there is a complete new generation of fans, managers, coaches, and players themselves who don’t actually care about a person’s sexual orientation. Now people have to wait and see who makes a confession and becomes the next headline!



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