
Survey: what is a soul?

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no not sole, soul as on living creature , not soul music before i get any smart *** answers. religious and non religious answers welcome =)




  1. A Soul the Etheric body that we use to Astral Travel so when we pass over that is what leaves the body. It is understood as a sort of life force body or aura that constitutes the "blueprint" of the physical body, and which sustains the physical body. It is consciousness from the collective, who you are, and where you are going after shedding the physical body at Zero Point. It is not ruled but physical limitation or emotions. It is you ... set free to experience the grids of reality and become your natural state of being.

    Nothing in life is to be feared, It is only to be understood.

    Love & Blessings


  2. Soul is another word for mind which in turn is the emergent property of brain cells interacting. Sorry for the prosaic answer.

  3. Your soul is the slender thread that connects your imagination and your fears to your mind. It is also the link between you and all the potential yous (like the one that didn't ask this question) that float around in the universe determining what the ACTUAL you will do next.

  4. As a secular yet highly moralistic agnostic, I have a different perception of the soul. The soul is human belief in their own unique position, in the peculiar germ of humanity that makes us unlike other creatures. I would agree that our feeling (or illusion) that a soul makes leads us to strong feelings of right and wrong- but this is not necessarily what the soul is. It is that which we perceive to have meaning within a human. Ergo it includes all the is important to humanity- love, hope, god and so on. Whether it is real or not, a fantastical creation of the mind or suchlike, is to a certain extent arbitrary. Whilst we lack knowledge of the brain we cannot rule out an ascientific answer to the soul, and therefore we cannot rule out the divine (but neither can we rule out a scientific answer). Through love, music, art and laughter we are forever reminded of unexplainable human peculiarities. The void created by these unexplainable peculiarities is filled in the human mind by the soul.

  5. The Urantia Papers mentions Soul 509 times and defines Soul. "The soul of man is an experiential acquirement. As a mortal creature chooses to "do the will of the Father in heaven," so the indwelling spirit becomes the father of a new reality in human experience. The mortal and material mind is the mother of this same emerging reality. The substance of this new reality is neither material nor spiritual--it is morontial. This is the emerging and immortal soul which is destined to survive mortal death and begin the Paradise ascension.

    Note:   Morontia is a term designating a vast level intervening between the material and the spiritual. The next world of ascension if you survive.

  6. The word is an attempt to place a label on something which is invisible and very subtle, so it can only be an approximation.

    The closest one can get to pinning it down would be "essence."  It is that which is unchanging, compared to that which changes.

    I prefer the word "consciousness," because it would seem the essence of what we are must be intelligent if nothing else.  I also hold that individual essences are only manifestations of one single underlying consciousness, and that everything that appears in the "outside" world is only a projection of that inner reality.  Like a giant virtual reality game, more or less.

    It's definitely not a "thing" you can hold on to or point to or "prove."  It is subject, not object.

  7. Something we should always look after.

  8. soul,Spiritual and the immortal part of our being.

  9. Someone once said "We don't have souls, we have bodies, we are souls".

  10. I think the soul may be slightly separate from consciousness...ur consciousness is like the tv screen where you watch everything happening or like the window of a helicopter, where you experience things and look out at the world..

    ...but I believe the remote control of the TV/control room of the helicopter can be a metaphor for the soul,as its where the decisions are made, its ur true personality.

    I think the soul sees whats happening in the consciousness and makes the decisions. U can see some animals are practically all consciousness and dont make decisions about how they behave,e.g like insects, they react in predictable ways and will not stop to think about it when you try to touch them, they will always fly away, its all hard wired reaction and no decision making involved.

    Consciousness is like being awake, when we are asleep we are technically unconscious, but our mind is still working and creating dreams etc. even when we lose consciousness some parts of our mind are still alive and that I believe is the soul.

  11. Another word for mind.

  12. Here is the simplest way I can put it. Man as a being is composed of these three components:  Body, Soul and Spirit.

    When God made man, He made him like 'Himself' (the soul), and He formed the body from out of the earth (the body) and the life that He had within Himself, He breathed (the spirit) into the nostrils of that body and man became a living being.

    While at death, the spirit (which is life itself) returns to the source of all life (the Lord God Almighty) and the body goes back to the earth from which God made man, the soul too departs from the body but goes on to live - resting in peace or wandering till its time has come, and will be judged for eternity.  At the judgment, it is determined where the soul would be placed eternally - in Heaven with God or to suffer in h**l, considered dead - to the Living Ones in Heaven (The soul who sins shall die) - but really not dead (their worm does not die and the fire is not quenched).

    Yes, mind is a manifestation of the soul and determines the destiny of the soul.  While the word 'mind' is confused also with the 'brains' and 'feelings' in a person, it is partially true of both because the mind steers the soul to use the energy (both spiritual - of the spirit; and physical - of the body) in the right direction (or the wrong).

    The Soul - the inner being of man - is the most precious thing that is on earth.  For what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world, and loses his own soul?

  13. We are a soul. A living soul is a person. That is what the bible says.

  14. When you say "I am," you are speaking about the soul.

    When Socrates said: "Know Thyself," he was speaking of the eternal self, or the soul.

    This will explain it in western terms... and how to come to know the soul.

  15. I used to believe that I am the soul. I am the living, thinking person inside this body. I am the one who believes in god, so surely I should be the soul itself that goes to heaven?

    But last night I had the same discussion with my bf and he convinced me that the soul is something much deeper. It's that part of you that responds to the deepest emotions. The part that tells you what is right and wrong. And I do believe that you can sell it. Not with an actual devil and a contract, but by doing something that you know is morally very wrong, that hurts people and you do it anyways. Like big chemical company directors who poison our rivers.  

  16. The soul doesn't exist or ever has done!!

  17. A soul is the personification of what makes man alive.  Many find a soul to be your true essence.  

    I don't.  I think a soul is still a reference to fearing the end of life.  Not necessarily of death, but of an end.  A soul is nothing more than another one of mans feeble beliefs of escape.

  18. Your soul is your inner existence, not your body.  I believe souls exist even after death and are reborn into new babies in which the soul then gets a new body.  This to me explains why sometimes things are familiar to you and maybe you have never seen it before.  Your soul remembers it from another body(life) and the experiences that the soul has been through.

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