
Survey:Do you know any old wives tales? ?

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My grandmother used to tell us our feet would turn black if we drank coffee. Do you know any old sayings like this?




  1. It is bad luck to put shoes on a bed.

  2. put an aspirin on a toothache

  3. Your eyes would turn square if you watched too much t.v, if you pulled a funny face and the wind changed direction it would be like that forever, if you banged your head you should rub butter on the bump, if you swallowed an apple pip an apple tree would grow in your tummy and if you killed a spider it would rain for forty days.

  4. some co worker said that men who are vary horny during intercourse are going to produce a daughter if they conceive. it's like aren't all  men horny to begin with? If that was true there would be no son's born.  

  5. Oh yeah, I've heard that one.

    My grandparents would usually tell me that being out in the rain causes colds.

  6. My wife is old and ugly so I'm sure she has some.  

  7. I was told when I was young that I shouldn't go to bed with damp hair or I would get a cold.  

  8. We were told coffee would stunt our growth.  And swallow a watermelon seed and a watermelon will grow in your belly. And if you didn't clean your ears you'd have potatoes growing in them.  I felt like a walking produce dept.

  9. if you sit too close to the tv you will end up with square eyes, carrots help u to c in the dark, bread crusts give you curly hair, if u tell a lie your nose will grow, a spoon full of sugar helps the medicine go down lol and cant remember any more.......know loads but cant think of them right now.

  10. Yep - thousands through the years but It's hard to remember them all. Here are a few I do remember:

    To break a mirror means 7 years bad luck.

    If your nose itches, someone is coming to see you.

    Bad luck will follow the spilling of salt unless a pinch is thrown over the left shoulder into the face of the devil waiting there.

    All wishes on shooting stars come true.

    The number of Xs in the palm of your right hand is the number of children you will have.

    Walking under a ladder is bad luck.

    The web site I found with old wive's tales - some of them are new to me - good site - it includes Superstitions (old wives tales, folklore, bizarre beliefs, taboos, omens, lucky & unlucky things), Superstition A to L includes Friday the Thirteenth, Superstition M to Z, Death Superstition, Dreams : Meanings & Superstitions, Wedding Superstition

    web site:

  11. I was told that staying outside in the cold without a coat would cause pneumonia.  

    Kathleen I was told all the same things too!!  LOL

  12. How about "you'll go blind and grow hair on your palms"...I got told these plenty of times...

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