
Survey:In-N-Out Burger or Johnny Rockets?

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which one would you choose?




  1. I never been To In- N-   out Burger... And I do not like Johnny Rockets...

  2. In-N-Out Burger.   WOOOO HOOO

  3. In-N-Out

    But Johnny Rockets has really good onion rings

  4. hands down in-n-out!!!!!

  5. I-N-O

  6. IN N OUT!!!!


  7. In-N-Out

  8. In-N-Out for sure, get the animal style

  9. Never been to In-N-Out so I would pick Johnny Rockets since I've been there and liked it. ;)

  10. IN-N-OUT!!! all the way

  11. johnny rockets

    TASTY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YUM YUM!!!

  12. When I ate meat it was IN-N-OUT all the way but now I prefer Johnny Rockets because they serve veggie burgers.

  13. I never been to or seen an in n out burger place because we don't have those in or near Maine but I've been to Johnny Rockets on vacation to Virginia Beach last June and I got a boca burger [I'm a vegeterian of 8 years] and it was really really yummy and good so my answer would have to be Johnny Rockets only by default.

  14. INO - all the way - JR is not very good...

  15. I would choose In-N-Out Burger.

  16. In N Out. If only there was one in Georgia!

  17. fer sure In-N-Out

  18. In-N-Out Burger

  19. Johnny Rockets

  20. Johnny Rockets because you can actually sit down in a real restaurant setting and be waited on.

    In-N-Out burger is just another burger joint, like McDonalds or Burger King.

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