
Survey:Music or Silence?

by  |  earlier

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Which would you prefer right now?




  1. Music, it completes my world :) xx

  2. always music

  3. Music!!

  4. Music almost 24/7

  5. Music 24/7 ♥

  6. Music, I would always prefer music.

  7. Music.  Life without music is like a body without a heart.

  8. Silence is my favourite music. You can appreciate the melody of your own thoughts.

  9. Music!

  10. Music  

  11. Silence is golden and a very beautiful thing but music is the thing that brings the soul to life.

    Right now i'd love some silence

  12. Depends on the song....

  13. I'm listening to music.

  14. Music for me....had a bad day...a funeral....then to find out that another of the residents had passed sad..

  15. Silence, my kids should be asleep but my son keeps pulling his sisters hair. I need some ear plugs

  16. Silence at the moment.

  17. music

  18. Music please.  

  19. sometimes silence but most of the time music

  20. music, i'm listening to it right now, and i'm always listening to music.

  21. Silence, and it is silent enough right now.

  22. Music everytime (".)

  23. Music :)

  24. Silence

  25. I'm listening to music, so music it is. I love music, can't live without it.

    Cheers =)

  26. Silence shhhhhhhh!

  27. Music, i feel scared when its silent LOL

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This question has 27 answers.


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