
Survey:What would you do if you found.......?

by  |  earlier

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a dead horse in your office? I don't remember seeing one when I left last night............




  1. call animal control since it is a felony to bury a horse, they must be properly disposed of, and honestly i don't want to go to the pen cause someone killed a horse in my office.  

  2. I would say "Oh my goodness!!" and then I would call animal patrol!

  3. I think I'd be finding myself standing beside John Belushi in the movie Animal House.


  5. I'd be "Why the heck am I in an office? I don't work here."

  6. run in the other direction.

  7. CPR?

  8. Wonder who rode it down.

    I blame the copy boy.

  9. Call the a glue factory to come get it.

  10. I would leave quickly and quietly, the feign surprise later.

  11. I would probably be so surprised i would be in shock. I wouldn't bother calling the police they probably wont believe me. I guess i would go home and go back to bed and question my sanity

  12. classic Animal House scene

  13. RUN!

  14. Ask Myself..>Since When Did I Become

    Old Enough For An Office?...Then

    Tell My Boss To Get His Wife Outta

    My Office And Remind About The

    Health And Saftey Rules.


  15. I would think someone tried to play a prank on Dean Wormer as well as Flounder

  16. wat office??? i dont have a job. lol

  17. make an open fire and scream down the hall "YO GUYS! bbq, my office, 10 minutes! " =]

  18. Wonder how it fit into the Elevator...!!

  19. hahahahaha

    i would say "wtf a dead horse?"

    and then i would walk out and tell soemone below me that there was a horse in my office laying down dead and to go get a vaccuum  and some lisol. "lol

    or eat it for lunch... haha jk

    i mean serioulsy that term "im so hungry i could eat a horse" didnt come form no where

  20. Call animal control and then tell my boss I have to go home and recover for a few days from this traumatic experience

  21. I would laugh at the randomness of the fact that a dead horse is actually in my office.

  22. lmao 911 !!!!!!!! im crackin up lolz

  23. skin it and sell it to a meat shop as beef.

  24. stare at it for awhile wondering to myself " how did it get in here" then call the police

  25. I would pack up, call it a day, catch the next flight to some distant country and hope the Mafia doesn't me!!

    Please answer mine:;...

  26. Well I know what I wouldn't be doing and that is horseback riding!

  27. I'd take it to the pet cemetary.

  28. Call police

  29. i would probably move it (with a whole bunch of friends) to my worst enemies office before he comes or in his rest day...

  30. I am sorry Godfather!

  31. Try and frame someone I don't like at work!

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