
Survey;any body else out there have no electricity? do to the storms. ?

by  |  earlier

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mine has been out since yesterday, thanks layla, bodyguard, i think you miss understood!




  1. nope not here but the only time my electricity goes out is when they cut the juice off for not paying it

  2. not in my area...(knocks on wood)

  3. I have electricity because i live in another area, but we might be having water rationing due to lack of rain.

  4. Nope.

  5. I have electric service where I am at this moment but not where I stay. Don't know when we get that back.

  6. I have no electricity at all, im using lemons linked together with wire to power my router and modem :(

  7. d u e  due to the storm,i cant answer because i have no power for my computer  

  8. Most of the city had Electricity, but the city was flooded, and the First week of School was Cancelled due to T.S. Fay, last Week...!!

  9. No, thankfully my generator works just fine.

  10. I'll let you know by carrier pigeon come around Saturday when Hannah and Ike smack us on the east coast.

  11. Sorry you got hit.  My area made it through okay.  I go for a drive or find a store with power.  Bookstores are good because you can read books and magazines for quite awhile and get drinks.  Great way to kill time.

    DRAGON 2008


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