
Surveying It Up..............?

by  |  earlier

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1. Pepsi Or Coke?

2. Blue Or Green?

3. Italian Food Or Mexican Food?

4. Blockbuster or Netflix?

5. Lord Of The Rings Or Harry Potter?

6. Books Or TV?

7. Breakfast Or Lunch?

8. Night Or Day?

9. Love Or Hate?

10. Peace Or War?

11. Did You take this survey because your Bored Or because you Care?




  1. -Pepsi




    -Lord of The Rings






    I just like surveys, and this one actually has options I'm familiar with to choose from.

  2. 1. Pepsi!

    2. Blue

    3. Italian

    4. Blockbuster

    5. Harry Potter

    6. TV

    7. Lunch

    8. Love

    10. Peace

    11. I care!!


  3. 1. Pepsi Or Coke?

    - Coek.

    2. Blue Or Green?

    - Blue.

    3. Italian Food Or Mexican Food?

    - Italian.

    4. Blockbuster or Netflix?

    - Blockbuster.

    5. Lord Of The Rings Or Harry Potter?

    - Harry Potter.

    6. Books Or TV?

    - Books.

    7. Breakfast Or Lunch?

    - Lunch.

    8. Night Or Day?

    - Night.

    9. Love Or Hate?

    - Love.

    10. Peace Or War?

    - Peace.

    11. Did You take this survey because your Bored Or because you Care?

    - The former.

  4. 1. Coke

    2. Green

    3. Italian

    4. Blockbuster

    5. Harry Potter

    6. Books

    7. Breakfast

    8. Night

    9. Love

    10. Peace

    11. Because I'm bored.

  5. 1. Pepsi Or Coke? Pepsi

    2. Blue Or Green? Blue

    3. Italian Food Or Mexican Food? mexican

    4. Blockbuster or Netflix? blockbuster

    5. Lord Of The Rings Or Harry Potter? harry potter

    6. Books Or TV? tv

    7. Breakfast Or Lunch? lunch

    8. Night Or Day? night

    9. Love Or Hate? love

    10. Peace Or War? peace!

    11. Did You take this survey because your Bored Or because you Care? im bored.... seriously LOLZ


  6. Coke


    Italian food


    Harry potter






    I'm bored!

  7. 1. Pepsi Or Coke? Coke

    2. Blue Or Green? Blue

    3. Italian Food Or Mexican Food? Both!... if i have to choose, italian

    4. Blockbuster or Netflix? Blockbuster

    5. Lord Of The Rings Or Harry Potter? Harry Potter

    6. Books Or TV? Books

    7. Breakfast Or Lunch? Lunch

    8. Night Or Day? Night

    9. Love Or Hate? Love

    10. Peace Or War? Peace

    11. It looked interesting :)

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This question has 7 answers.


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