
Survival: who can manage better the crisis, the farmer or the small businessman?

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In the uncertainty of the natural disasters, global warming, stagnation, pollution, unemployment....




  1. farmer.

  2. Now that is a tough call!

    Lets look at the two

    Farmers: Now a farmer may not have as many degrees as the businessman but he does know what fruits, vegetables, and plants are healthy to eat, poisionous, and types of insects they attract. With this he is able to avoid most fatalities that would happen to a normal man. As well he is most likely fit from dealing with the labor work that he dealt with everyday of his life.

    Businessman: Now the businessman may not have any experience in the wild but he probably is more intelligent than the farmer so he is capable of coming up with solutions to any disaster that may occur to him during survival.

    With this being said now lets look at each of their normal lifestyles. The farmer is constantly stressed out since he has many different variables that can happen to the farm such as bad harvest, locust, natural disaster, or infestation. Every day the farmer has to deal with these problems and still continues to go on.

    Now the business man is also constantly stressed out since he also has many different variables that can happen to him such as strike, computer crash, or a fire. A business man always has to deal with this on the way to the top, but he still has a dream to suceed to a better life.

    I know how ridiculous it may seen but i will go with the  small business man. The reason is because even though they both deal with crisis everyday, the business man still has a passion to improve and keep moving forward rather than just maintaining a situation.

  3. Farmers with business attitude.

    Traditional farmers may break down and attempt suicide in natural calamities

  4. A well armed farmer.... An unarmed farmer would be over run by the starving masses...  People dont act right when they are hungry....


    offers the best idea for survival if everything goes to h**l

    The time may come when money means nothing ,all of it being locked in electricity,

    A war or a mayor disaster can affect that easily enough.

    What will the small business man do then?? or if there are no clients who can pay with anything that has meaning

    If there is no food in the supermarkets because of mayor disasters in corporate agriculture because of global warming

    or war in third world food producing countries


    The Permaculture farmers,Home growers ,Urbanites ,communities etc ,who plant under the safety of trees ,and who harvest ,conserve or produce water,being self sufficient and Independent from the infrastructures of civilization,producing their own needs,

    will be best of.

    What is Permaculture;...;...

    self suficiency;...

    Urban agriculture;...

    Sustainable food production


    Blue print for a garden culture

  6. Farmers are business man who provide both the management and labor for their farm.  They will have many more life sustaining resources at hand than a business man.

    I vote the farmer.

  7. farmer

  8. It would vary so much from case to case...

    If there is a massive drought, the farmer will not only be unable to grow food, he will also have a lot of lost income, making him less able to buy food elsewhere, while the businessman will (unless he is in agriculture) continue to make the similar profits as before.

    If there is an apocalyptic inflation crisis, actual material goods will be worth far more than money, and the businessman will be in dire straights, while the farmer will likely be in a much better position (he will both be able to grow his own food and trade excess food for other goods or services.)

  9. I think small businessman can handle better coz most of the time we hear of farmers  consuming poison

  10. The Farmer because he knows edible plants how to garden how to build stuff most likely.

  11. everyone knows how farmers have always had to struggle through droughts...etc..subscribed role as they'd say in sociology..the businessman, may or may not have a great idea for his or her business, but many businesses fail the first year due to management difficulties..but the farmer, he's more adapted to it..kinda survival of the fittest...

  12. Small farmers will at least be able to adapt to a crisis climate than a small business.  Buy growing your own food, be it fruits, vegetables, livestock, or any combination of the three, a farmer can be self sufficient while a small businessman relies on others trading with his business to survive.  

    A farmer can also grow enough extra food to trade at farmer's markets, or in small retail markets to support himself through the winter months.  Even though the weather plays a major role in traditional "farming", with the proper care and management of the farm, and by planting a diverse crop, a farmer can usually survive even through a period of crisis.  

    A small businessman on the other hand is solely dependent on others to purchase his goods or services to survive.  If the crisis climate is such that people are doing without the products he markets, them there is nothing he can do to make people buy.

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