
Survivor: Cape Verde (Part 9)?

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Previously on Survivor: Gordessa won the Reward Challenge. Kevin from Zevre snapped as he exploded at Sarah. Who will be voted out tonight?

Day 9: Kevin apologizes to everyone about his previous behavior. Sarah says that she will forgive but not forget. The tribes head to the Immunity Challenge. The challenge has each tribe standing on a small platform made to hold only five. The seven members of each tribe must all stand on it and work together to hold a large ball above their heads. If someone falls off they are NOT aloud to get back on. The first tribe to have their ball fall must go to Tribal Council. Go! Sherry immediately jumps off for Zevre in order to make it easier. Gordessa follows suit as Simon jumps off. After 1 hour Maggie decides to jump in. At the 2 hour mark Alyssa and Lisa jump off giving Blake, Evan, and Justin the task of keeping the ball above water. After 4 hours Samantha and Carl give up leaving Kevin, George, Sarah, and Brian for their tribe. After 6 hours both tribes are using the strategy of rotating the people that have to hold the ball so that everyone can take breaks. At 7 hours Evan’s arms are shaking uncontrollably and he is in immense pain so he gives up. Blake and Justin can no longer take breaks because the ball is too big to be held by only 1 person. After another half-hour Brian’s hands are blue so he gives out and jumps to the water. After 8 hours Sarah is about to give up. “Keep going babe.” Kevin says to her. Finally, after 9 hours of torture, Justin takes 1 of his hands off to rest it as he’s been doing. However, this rotation switch-out goes horribly wrong when his other hand slips off the ball and it falls to the water. Zevre wins Immunity! Back at Gordessa, the “Other Five” plan to target Simon, the oldest. However, Justin and Evan begin to have second thoughts once again as they’d rather have Lisa or Alyssa go.

Now for your part: Who will be voted out of the tribe: Simon, Maggie, Blake, Alyssa, Lisa, Justin, or Evan?




  1. They still have that show? Whens it on?

  2. Everybody votes for Simon except Simon and Maggie vote for Lisa.  

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