
Susan Atkins (A Manson family follower) has been denied parole?

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She is dieing of brain cancer, she has had her left leg amputated and is paralyzed on her right side. Should there be compassion for her so she can be paroled though she stabbed to death actress Sharon Tate nearly 40 years ago?




  1. Oh, h**l no, there shouldn't be any "compassion".  What she did was heinous.....her dying of brain cancer in prison is karma kicking her in the a**.

  2. A life prison sentence should mean just that, for life. If she did not want to be taken out of prison feet first with a tag on her toe she should not have murdered a pregnant woman. Does not matter how long ago the crime was committed.


    The parole board go it right!  Why should someone who was so calculated and heartless be shows any mercy now?  She said that she killed her to silence her plea to spare her unborn baby.  So, now she has to suffer the consequences.  Not only that, but it took years for her to even show any bit of remorse, which i personally do not believe is genuine.  She has a life sentence and life means life.  DIE as an inmate!

  4. No compassion ! Cut off her other leg and paralyze her other side ! No parole !!

  5. Absolutely not, she will burn in h**l.

  6. How much compassion did she show to Sharon Tate and the baby that she cut out of Tate's womb ?  That's how much compassion she should now receive from us.

  7. No, in fact I wish they would put her final moment on pay-per-view so I can laugh at that hideous monster for finally getting the death she gave others and escaped when the liberal SCOTUS back then did away with the death penalty.  She should have been mouldering in a box the last 30 odd years.

  8. You must not live in California... They did that horrendous **** down the street from my high school (Chatsworth, CA)...

    No that silly ***** should serve the sentence she was given...

    We need to get like the Germans of Spandau Prison... One n**i prisoner left (the only one; him, a doctor, warden, guard & nurse)... Family: let him out, he's dying... Prison: good, we'll shut down when he's dead... We dont have wait that long...  And they did...

    all paraphrased of course...

  9. Did she have any compassion for that pregnant actress when she stabbed her to death?  I doubt it.  She should die in prison where she belongs.

  10. No

  11. No compassion for this murdering twit. Did she show any compassion when she cut the baby out of Tates womb?

    Let her rot slowly away in Prison.

  12. Compassion?  NOPE - This was a no-brainer!

  13. Nope, she didn't show Sharon Tate any compassion. I hope she finishes rotting in jail. Though I am sad the California tax payers are paying to support her. I wish the state had just stuck a needle in her arm a long time ago.

  14. NO, and she should have been denied medical care as well.

  15. hard situation for her..she was part of a criminal act..she is paying for that crime. Many people die in prison due to natural causes, they provide good medical care.

  16. tree hugger

  17. Nope.

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