
Sushi- What the h**l is wrong with you people?

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Oh god WHERE did the assumption come up that sushi "means" raw fish? I ask my friends out for sushi, they reply "eww raw fish is gross." I want to close my eyes and strangle them. Sushi MEANS vinigared rice. It is USUALLY combined with other ingredients, cooked or uncooked.




  1. yea seriouslii i luv sushii but u noe dere r differnt types of sushi dat has crab nd stuff like dat itz reallii gud!!

  2. When i was a little kid i used to think of the SAME THING, but after i tried it out...i absolutely love it. Too bad sushi is very expensive. some people just hate it and others just love it......if your friends haven't tried sushi, make sure they do so lol

  3. MOST decent sushi has raw fish.  Only wussies eat that california roll c**p.  Don't get so offended that friends don't keep a dictionary by their side.

  4. Don't know, but it drives me crazy, too.  I took three years of Japanese in college, and learned that "sashimi" is raw fish, and that "sushi" only refers to the "rice" part of the "roll."  I can understand and forgive a common misconception - it's the aggressively stupid who want to continue to argue the point even after you gently educate them as to the difference between sashimi and sushi, that I want to strangle....

  5. People just get ideas in their heads and have a hard time understanding what they really don't care to become open-minded enough to learn.  You'll notice a lot of people who don't eat sushi or who assume it's raw fish are closed minded or uneducated in many things.  Though, being open to sushi does not guarantee someone isn't closed-minded...

  6. I hate having to explain that too.  I love sushi and people are always making faces about it.  Some people will never understand.

  7. I understand what your saying...But I heard it meant "With Rice".

  8. I'm always one of the first to preach that sushi is a way if preparing rice-- not raw fish, but even I can understand where the confusion comes from. The whole concept of sushi as a dish is relatively "alien" to  the U.S.. It DOES almost always include raw seafood in many varieties. You won't find a sushi bar that DOESN'T have raw seafood in its most popular varieties. Naturally, people who are seeing this from an outsider's perspective are going to figure it's all about raw fish.

    I think you can understand this if you think about it. What makes me made is when I EXPLAIN it to certain people and they STILL turn their noses up at all sushi and can't seem to disassociate the raw fish element from the whole.

  9. i agree. I think its the whole concept that scares them, not just the raw fish. I personally prefer plain sashimi myself!

  10. heck most of my American friends still can not tell if i am from Thai or Taiwan?? and you expect them to know the difference between raw fish and sushi?

    self-centered culture turn into ignorance, that's all

  11. I, too, want to strangle people who confuse sushi with sashimi---and make other incorrect statements about foreign cuisine in general.

    But it's not because they're too stupid to know the difference;  it's because they're too closed-minded to try new things.   People have no right to say  "eww,  that's gross"  about something unless they've given it a try.

    So please,  strangle one for me.

  12. Agreed.  Sashimi is raw fish.

  13. i like sushi

  14. sorry that your upset...

    But I was introduce to ("Sushi") about 40 years ago try 1957...

    and YES it wasn't till maybe the last 10 did the name Sashimi come to the surface..

    and I think your not just 100%,,,, I have seen Sushi combined with raw salmon.. in a photo spead!!

    I forgot to add the sites to my fav's.

    later edit

    OK I went out and found one...

  15. yummmm i love sushi:]

  16. I think sushi means raw fish with rice, wrapped with seaweed. I don't like raw fish so I make them at home. I can add whatever i want like eggs, cucumbers and stuff, it's more fun and clean.

  17. sushi.mmmmmm. if i knew that it was the last day of my life, i would go to a top, expensive sushi restaurant with a great sushi chef, sit at the sushi bar and leave the order up to him......heaven......

  18. I am sorry. I understand and share your frustration.  I also wonder how that misconception came about!

    It is ignorance but it is a great opportunity to share the cuisine you enjoy with friends and broaden their horizons.

    Please try to be patient, then hopefully, they will be more game when you suggest going to your favorite Japanese spot.  

    Tell them saying all sushi is raw fish is like saying, all pies have apples in it, I guess. (It is an imperfect analogy but at least it is a start in convincing them they wont HAVE to eat raw fish if they try sushi)

    Im guesing part of it could be an aversion to new fish dishes, let alone uncooked fish.  The way the supply lines work,  only certain cities in the US have access to the freshest fish (NY, LA, DC, Chicago, etc.)

    That is one reason the sushi is horrible in some place in the middle of the U.S. or the south.  

    SO because of the market in those places, the quality of the sushi is also affected.

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