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is Sushi good or is it somthing you get used to




  1. I use to think the same thing, until I tried it, some are good, some are okay, it's like all food it has it's good and its bad, it all depends on taste though, I would say that you should try it because only YOU will know if you like it, I like it especially this one called the Gozilla.

  2. Now, I like it. Try eating it with chopsticks. Its so difficult to get to your mouth, you'll enjoy it more.

  3. Love it or hate it. My dh wouldn't touch it at first until we went together and picked out some cooked rolls. Now he loves it and even goes for the raw dishes! Though we aren't too exotic, just can't stand imitation crab :( - Tastes like a crab flavored pencil eraser ....

    California rolls (with real crab) -that is if u like crab - are always a safe start.

  4. either you love it or you hate it. I love it!

  5. It's delicious.

  6. Its good to different people at different ages. When I was about 5 I hated the taste of sushi. Now I love it!

  7. Gets better over time.

  8. sushi grossed me out when i first saw it but then i begain eating the cooked stuff and then cautiously went over to the raw stuff.  i was grossed out a little at first but after about the third time, i was hooked.  that stuff is like a "fix" for me.  i love it and look forwared to eating it and it's good for you.

  9. It is very good. And some people are getting creative with it, making  not so japanese traditional things.

    I like some and some I don't  (like eel, or sea urchin)

    You could start with the basic things. Like California or Philadelphia roll. Or if you like tuna just order a tuna piece and see if you like it. Or shrimp

  10. its good, even better without the rice

  11. It is VERY Good.

    There is a wide variety of Sushi (fish over rice) and Sashimi (just the fish). Some are pleasant and instantly enjoyed by everyone. Some are...shall we say...more...exotic. They take a little getting used to.

    If you've never had it, it might be a good idea to go the first time with someone who can seperate the simple from the extreme, but everyone will find something they like. Dig in!

  12. At first I hated it, now I like it. Also, when first trying sushi you have to try it at a variety of places before you really decide, because there are so many ways to s***w up sushi, and you may just go to one of those places where it's messed up.

    I don't really like the hardcore stuff, like salmon and tuna rolls, but I like california rolls. They are delish!

  13. It's gross. I prefer my food cooked-and I know that cooked food is MUCH safer to eat (proper cooking destroys bacteria that causes food poisoning).

    Back when I started in restaurants, eating raw beef was trendy-no one in their right mind does this now.

    Although food poisoning generally does not occur from bacteria originating in the fish, cross-contamination from other sources of bacteria occurs when the preparer handles or uses utensils on a source of contamination (like raw poultry, beef, etc),  prior to handling the raw fish without washing their hands or the utensil first.

  14. I used to cringe at the idea of eating sushi...until I actually tried it. It's great! I love it. And one of the really cool things about it is that there is so many different kinds to choose from. My personal favorite is the barbequed eel.

  15. I love sushi, I would eat it everyday if I could afford to!
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