I was pulled over for suspicion of DUI in Florida, Dec. 15th of 2007 and refused the breathalizer. Before any court hearing regarding this matter I was pulled over for a stop sign infraction on Mar. 15, 2008 and was arrested for driving w/ suspended Lic. My lawyer says that the judge is not forgiving regarding penalties for driving with a suspended lic. due to a DUI. My court date is this tues. Aug. 5th; So, QUESTION IS: Is there a difference in getting arrested for a Driving w/ susp. lic charge due to DUI charge and driving w/ susp. lic. charge due to refusal to submit to a breath test in Florida.(because, like I said, I had not gone to court yet for the DUI charge when I got the driving w/ susp. lic. charge and in Florida if you refuse the breath test your lic. is automatically suspended for a year). Also, What to you think my penalty will be if found guilty of driving w/ a susp. lic.(no priors)? Thank You Very Much