
Suspension question?

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Today I was on the highway going 55mph. Whenever we hit a bump we would nearly lose control. My dad said the suspension is shot. What do you think?




  1. Could be shocks or struts if it's bouncy, or maybe a sway bar link if it's leaning a lot, and it happened mostly on corners. Otherwise more likely something like a trailing arm bushing. If not an alignment specialty shop, then most better tire shops are pretty good at finding that sort of thing instead of just guessing.

  2. probably not the whole suspension, but the struts or shocks are certainly shot.  you may also need new bushings in the steering.

  3. Bounce the cars corner as much as you can.It should stop oscillating at one and one half of a bounce.If more than that the stocks or struts are weak.Lift one tire at a time off the ground,check for ANY movement in parts when you move it right to left as if you would turn.If this does not help trip to a repair shop is needed.Good luck.

  4. that could be allot of things. bump steer is caused by steering that is not parallel, any thing loose in the steering would be noticed, but you did not give us any factors into what was so off about the way that the car handled. no i know that you were not behind the wheel and that makes the diagnosis and description pretty weird so i can not give you any further information as to what the problem is.
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