
Suspicious passports??

by  |  earlier

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I got hired as an au pair for a family in florence and they sent me photocopies of their passports, so I can identify them and know they're legit, etc. I'm from canada and assumed passport laws were basically the same in 'most' places but I noticed two things that stood out right away :

1. the daughter was smiling and looking to the side of the camera, like in a school photo. the background was white, I know it wasn't actually a school photo but maybe not legit? I always understood that you had to look head on and not smile it different for children?? (she's 11) the son's looks normal (he's 9)

2. The father's passport said it was issued 2003 and expires 2013. It's my understanding that passports are good for only 5 years. Is this possible to have a 10 yr passport? (the rest of his family expires 5 yrs from issue date)

any help would be appreciated before I actually go live with these people!




  1. U.S.passports are valid for 10 years, not 12.  If you are going oversees as an au pair, I believe it would be far safer for you to use an agency.  This is for your protection in many ways.  These people  could be good  and  honest..or not.  They could take advantage of you, not pay as they said they would, make you take on responsibilities you should nto have...or could be complete wierdos.  Better to work through an agency that will protct your rights.

  2. my passport is valid for 12 years before it expires (its possible to get extenstions) and i'm from the US. i dont know about looking off to the side. i was going to say to you the little girl is looking off to the side to indicate that she is a minor (sometimes they do that in the US on driver's licenses) so that could be a reason.  maybe the wife doesnt like taking pictures?

  3. The white background is not an issue, the looking to the side, tilted, whatever, is.  I have recently been dealing with all kinds of Italian government agencies to apply for my Permesso Di Soggiorno, residency, etc and they are particular about the pictures.  They must be head on, looking directly into the camera.  The Italian passports are valid for 10 years- at least every one that I have seen.

    I also wouldn't be so quick to shoot down the advice about working with an agency.  Au pair work in Italy is not glamorous.  I have seen many girls working 6.5 days a week, very long hours, little free time and a lot of hard work.  It is fun because you get to see a new country, but you will work hard.  That being said, if you go through an agency and things are not working out the way you expected, you have someone to turn to for other options.  An agency can help set you up with a new family immediately, get you back home, whatever.

    Good luck.
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