....... well if you thought the " lets see if we can break the rule book " saga had finished. ................ think again :
1) http://www.superbikeplanet.com/2008/Aug/080821atf.htm
2) http://www.superbikeplanet.com/2008/Aug/e/n080822a.htm
& 3 ) [ the best ever Q & A .......... EVER ] http://www.superbikeplanet.com/2008/Aug/08082266faq.htm
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Yes we all know buy now, there will be NO AMA.
Even so, this kind of press is bad. Saying that, the DMG wont give a monkeys, they have no factory to upset !
Your thoughts on the " possible " rule breaking in the AMA. Dont forget, Chaz won the Daytona 200 !