
SvR 09. Can you think of a good finisher?

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Lately a lot of SvR 09 questions have gone up so i want to have one myself.

What is a good create a finisher for SvR 09

I SvR 09 they droped fighting styles but i will be mostly submission so if you can give me a good original submission finisher that would be great.

Or your can just give me a normal one I dont care.

Last what would you call it




  1. the arkansas chicken plucker..........

  2. Scoop Slam into the Ankle Lock

    I'd call it the "Larganzo Combo"

  3. OH! I got it like a F5 And while there spinning DDT

    Move Called: Spinning Facebuster Cyclone


  5. umm the old pedigree

  6. I thought of like a Armbar into a Backdrop so the twisted arm is on the back and just force him to the mat probably close to breaking the arm but that would be the first i would use then after that i would put him in a Struggle Submission with the arm making him tap

  7. How about a FU to the Choke Slam or Sweet Chin Music to a Rock Bottom!  

  8. I can't really think of anything yet for Create-a-Finisher, I still wanna take a look at the animations they have, then maybe ideas will develop for me.

    EDIT: Keep in mind that you can only create finishers that start standing up, you can't create diving, ground, or running finishers.

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