
Sw9ve or g19? ?

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differences, similaritys, best overall gun?




  1. My first pistol was the first generation Sigma in .40 cal. After my first month or so owning it, it would jam every three rounds or so. Even after taking it to a S&W gunsmith. I am not a fan of the Glock (I prefer the Springfield Armory XDs) but I would choose the Glock over the Smith.

    Both have no manual safeties, Glocks have the USA Trigger system,  Glock is more reliable.

  2. +1 for the M&P. I own one, and love it. I have always heard negative things about S&W autoloaders, but this pistol certainly defies this typecast.

    I never cared for Glocks. Too uncomfortable, too many horror stories about explosions, too ugly. That's my take on them, I'm sure the wolves are gathering now to tear me a new one for having said it.

    The M&P is an original design that has now been around long enough that the kinks have been worked out. Early models had magazine drop and slide lock issues, but that appears to be a thing of the past. And if such problems do arise, S&W will repair it for free, even if the pistol was used when you got it.

    I cannot recommend this pistol enough. I trust my safety and that of my wife every day when we go out. So do almost 300 police departments nationwide, who are switching from Glocks to the M&P. This, after many of them swore off S&W after the Sigma fiasco, so the pistol is earning its reputation as a winner.

    In a choice strictly between the two you mentioned, I'd take the Glock. However, since my firearm supply is already pretty healthy, if I found a really, really good deal on a Sigma, I'd buy it. I wouldn't rely on it for self-defense, but as a plinker it would suffice.

  3. The only thing S&W 'clones', both new and old, seem to be famous for, is their complete LACK of continuous reliability, from the original 'Glock rip-off' Sigmas, to the 'new & improved' M&P's. . . . Do you see ANY pros carrying them?

    On the other hand, from the Feds down to your 'local-yokels', more of the pro's are carrying Glocks than anything else, at a better than two-to-one ratio.

    To quote Tommy Lee Jones in 'U.S. Marshalls', "Get rid of that 'girly gun' and get yourself a Glock!"

    If I wasn't carrying the best, my H-K USP .45, I'd be carrying MY Glock 21.

  4. the smith and wesson sigma 9mm value edition has wonderful ergonomics, and is very similar in how it operates to the Glock 19 (also a 9mm) and both heavily use polymer in the construction of the guns

    However, the Sigma series was NOTORIOUS for being inaccurate and jamming and having all sorts of other problems.  Smith and Wesson invented them after seeing the glock was getting a large share of the market, and while the original glocks are still selling very strong, Smith  and Wesson pulled the Sigma series and canceled production because the gun had gained such a bad reputation.

    That is why you can find SW9VEs for such bargain basement prices, they are 'marked to move' in the hopes of some newbie novice will buy it not realizing he is getting the shaft.

    Note, Smith and Wesson was sued by glock for copyright infringement and lost. However, if the gun was any good, Smith would simply have paid glock $2 per pistol made and gone on making them.  Instead Smith went back to the drawing board and now is making the Smith and Wesson M&P series, which is a very nice gun, and reasonably priced.

    I think you should check out and consider the Smith and Wesson M&P in contrast to the Glock 19.  Also, look at the Springfield XD, I suspect that Springfield will soon displace Glock as the top maker of polymer handguns

  5. I'm a Glock man.  I can't recommend anything with the S&W logo and the name 'Sigma' attached to it.  I ordered a brand new first-generation Sigma 9mm and it was...  Junk.  There's no way to sugar-coat this, it was junk.  The night-sights fell off and although this was corrected after the first try the jamming problem was NEVER corrected even after subsequent returns to the dealer who said they'd sent it back to Smith. I finally just 'got rid of it.'  'Nuff said about that!  In turn I've owned two first generation Glock Model 20s, a Model 31 and a Model 26 and these have worked flawlessly for me.  One rode with me the last twelve+ years that I worked as a street COP before retiring a month-n-a-half ago. I still have the second Model 20, the G-31 and the G-26.  Have been seriously considering buying a Model 19.  That's how much I trust Glock.


  6. I'm gonna say G19 is the superior gun.

    I've had the G19 and put about 2 K rounds through it with zero problems. It's easy to shoot, easy to clean and goes bang every time.
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