
Swallowed a long piece of plastic fork prong, feeling sharp pain in my throat?

by  |  earlier

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ok so last night i was eating spaghetti with a plastic fork and as i twirled my spaghetti the middle prong of the fork broke all the way off and i didnt realize it and swallod it. not sure if it went all the way down. im feeling sharp pains and pressure in my throat,, thought maybe it was stuck. i wnet to the doctor and he didnt even really look at me and siad that unless i cant breathe then its not stuck in my throat, but there is alot of pressure on my throat and when i swallow i feel like a lump there, doc says its prolly just scrathced but somehting just doesnt feel right.. think i should go back and see a differant doctor??




  1. yes and if it gets worse go to the emergency becuz it can be very sereouse

  2. This happened to me, but not with a fork.  I had an abrasion on my esophagus.  I had to eat liquids AND ONLY LIQUIDS for about a 2 weeks.  I did go to the ER and they provided me with a small drink that would numb the entire way down so it's easier and less painful to eat.  You should get another opinion and see if it might be an abrasion on your esophagus.

  3. i think you should go and see a good doctor who cares and i think its serious as you are in pain and you probably need a x-ray asap  

  4. I'll take "Reasons to go to the Emergency Department" Alex for $100.00

  5. yes u prob should make them take an xray

  6. yes u should go to see another doctor just to be safe. ditch ur old doctor if the other one says there actually something wrong.

  7. go to the emergency room imidiately

  8. Yeah, get another doctor. Of course you could breath with it stuck in your throat! Either the doc has no idea what he/she is doing, or the doc is just saying that to make you happy. Either way is unacceptable.

    The esophagus is where the food (and accidentally swallowed plastic forks) go.

    The windpipe is where the air goes.(and anything you accidently inhale)

    So, even assuming that the plasic fork would block a passage way completely, it would not likely be your windpipe and would have nothing to do with breathing.

    On top of that, I wouldn't expect a plastic fork prong to completely block a passageway.

  9. Yeah you definitely need to check with another doctor's perspective. Obviously that guy was too busy to look at you. Check with another one, you might have something else wrong. Better safe than sorry.

    Good luck.  

  10. If youre having trouble breathing....GO TO THE ER.

    it could end up jacked-up sideways in your throat while you sleep.

    then it's the BIG SLEEP.

  11. An xray wouldn't show plastic.

    Maybe go to urgent care or the E.R and they will give you a throat soother and look at you closer.

    Rather be safe than sorry.

    Until then drink cold water and eat ice cream.

  12. Um, yea!!! See someone about it, that does NOT sound good!

  13. I think you should go into the Emergency room. I wouldn't even mention that you have seen a doctor. Tell them what happened and exactly WHAT you are feeling, as you stated above. Tell them you need an x-ray because it feels as if it is lodged in your throat !! It very well could have pierced inside your throat, and may very well still be in there. Go to the ER ! Good Luck!

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