
Swallowed a piece of metal...big deal?

by  |  earlier

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i have braces and a piece of metal kept cutting my cheek so i cut it off but i accidntally swallowed the piece its not a big piece its fairly small but should i be worried




  1. Yes, you SHOULD be worried. If it was big enough, it can cut your tummy or your intestines -- life threatening. Go see a doctor only if you start feeling sharp tummy pains, but only if that happens.

    Good luck!!

  2. yes, it could puncture your stomach or intestines.  you need to at least consult a doctor.  good luck

  3. yea i agree with the person on top of me. since its small it wont damage your stomach but if you want ask a doctor just in case.well the first person is the one i agree with.

  4. You should probably tell your doctor, although being that it was in your braces, it can't be that big, so more than likely you'll be fine. Still though, tell your doctor.

  5. i seriously doubt that there is anything to be worried will pass thru your bowels more than likely, but if you r concerned, go visit the doc

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