
Swans get 50k fine for having extra man, for less than a minute?

by Guest60018  |  earlier

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The club has said the fine is 'servere"

I think its extreme.

read this, and leave your thoughts

it was an accident,

had no bearing on the result of the game -

and the swans relised their mistake and corrected it as soon as they realised.

So 50k sounds way over the top to me




  1. One way of looking at it is thinking about what would have happened in other sports. Basketball, baseball, soccer, nfl . . . But then again who really knows what would've happened. I'm a roos fan and after looking at the footage it looks like kirks kick was over the line. I'd rather take two points than a really bad loss.

  2. can you imagine manchester united playing with an extra man on the ground they would be relegated to a lower league immediately, doesn't matter how you look at it, it's still cheating

  3. 50K!!!? That's severe to me!

  4. it probably the AFL's money anyway that the swans paying the fine  with from all the handouts the swans have got over the years from the AFL. so just leaves swans a little short for trip away fund. put it to swans supportersif u had to choose, loss of 2 points or fine. fine not so bad now.more bitching would of happened had they been stripped of the 2 points.

  5. I think they should have to give back the 2pts no question  they cheated whether by accident for a minute or a quarter

    If it isn't such a big deal to have an extra player on the field next time Swannies play the Kangas then they should be a man down for the last minute to even things up a bit even if it is a final $50,000 will probably seem fair then.

  6. Half is suspended, so only $25,000.

    I agree, if Simpson would have asked for a head count, then, no 2 points for the Swans.

    Get over it. $25,000 is pocket change for AFL clubs anyway.

  7. i think they had to be hard, because the game was so close when all that happened

  8. The swans should just lose their two point's and keep the money. They cheated so it's only fair; even if he didn't kick a goal he was one extra person on the field which means that he filled up space and made it harder for the roos to get the ball out of defence which resulted in them getting shots at goal. The player could have applied tackles and shepherds to help his team mates; it also freed one of his team mates.

  9. yea i dont really like the swans but i do think they made a mistake with having the extra player on the field.

  10. Swans should have forfeitred their 2 points.

    It was deliberate breach of the rules & Swans benefited by this "honest mistake" (hahahahah!).

    How pathetic is the AFL these days?  They just make decisions that suit them at the time..................................

  11. The fine is extreme but hopfully the AFL use $50K to fund the Kangas out of debt so they continue to exist!!

    I wonder how they came up with that amount anyways - is that how much money they needed to fund Alex's travel expenditure for this year??

  12. Seems like overkill when they say it had no outcome on any part of the game.

  13. Who cares if it didn't actually have any bearing on the game .. The Rule is 18 players on the field at any one time...

    By your reckoning you could drive your car at ten times the speed limit ... so long as you don't kill anybody.

    The rules are the rules .. break them .. Pay the fine.. tough bickies!!!

  14. yes i agree

    swans should have lost the points


  15. Kangas should have been awarded the points, The man ment to come of contributed to a score which leveled the match. 50K was very light and they only have to pay 25k now. When will all this bull**** stop with sydney, first it was throwing matches, then Hall, attempted murder and now cheating. The AFL needs to come down on them harder, if it was a Melbourne club acting this way the AFL would have taken points from them or fined them alot more than what the swans were.

  16. Well I'm a Kangaroos supporter,so enough

  17. $50,000 is a lot better than if the North captain was aware of the extra man and had asked for a count. The Swans would have lost all of their score up to that stage of the match if that had happened.

    They would have lost the game and a h**l of a lot of percentage.

    Rules are rules, and that rule has been in effect since Jesus was wearing diapers!

    It is professional football, and that sort of mistake should not happen at that level of football.

    They should just take the fine & be thankful that the North coaching staff & captain were not observant enough to notice at the time.

    $50.000 is a LOT better than losing 4 points & percentage.

    VERY LUCKY in my opinion.

    I wonder whether Roosey told the extra man not to kick a goal!

  18. Hmmm.. I'm actually glad they looked into it, better than their actions with the boundary incident with Hall at ANZ Stadium..

    That's quite a jump from $7500 to $50 000 eh..

    Yeah its an extreme fine isn't it..

    Specially when they didn't mention the possibility of Kirks "touched ball" actually being a goal, changing the draw also...

    Well Swans didn't lose the points but that's the most expensive 2points Ive ever seen!!!

    EDIT- My bad, they just made a decision at tonights sitting, to have all boundaries padded at ANZ .. heh.. shucks..

  19. they got of lightly again

    just like hall got a light sentance

    they should have lost the 2 pts also

    and kicked out of the comp for 5 years

  20. 50k or 2 points???

    What price will 2 points be worth at the end of the season?  The way the ladder is shaping already two points could be worth their weight in gold.

    The fine had to be excessive and the AFL had to be seen to be heavy handed otherwise it could had been another "sirengate" disaster.

    Besides in his day and age what is 50K to a league club, especially an interstate one.

  21. I am glad that they looked into the incident and it probably should be used to send a message to club staff about their players on ground, but 50k is ridiculous!

    I do agree with Glen Archers view when he said that if North Melbourne miss the finals by a couple of points he will be ropable about this incident! But I fail to see how fining the Swans makes any difference to the Kangaroos cause.

    I have to ask though; if the extra player had not been on the ground, would this have really made any difference to the final scores? One can only speculate...

  22. swans are such a dirty side

    the afl has to dock their points

    it doesnt matter how you look at it, its still cheating.

    when you say "it had no bearing on the result", it could have and even if it didnt, it is distinct advantage. he may have been off the ball but he may have been sheperding or tagging a roos player and stopping them from getting to the ball.

    i agree with a previous poster

    the afl has to come down hard on sydney cos its obvious to all the melbourne clubs (and their supporters) that the swans can get away with anything.

    barry hall not getting rest of season ban is pathetic

    now not docking points is pathetic

    if this was a melbourne team (like kangaroos, who the afl dont even want to be in melbourne - dont get me started on that) they would have come down SOOOOO hard

  23. How much did the goal ump get fined for stuffing up the winning goal - I'll take a guess and say zero. This fine is way over the top, they've been after Roosy for a while now, the NAB cup debacle over telling McVeigh to "not kick a goal" isn't even the start of it, in our premiership winning year Demetriou was slandering Sydney half way through the season. Serves them right if we go on to win the thing.............again.

  24. Wow that is a tough fine.  I wish Barry Hall could maybe win back the $50,000.00 by lodging a complaint through the AFL for damages to his hand on that totally unsafe fencing which has put him out of action for close to the period of his suspension for the King Hit on Staker and then because he has been a naughty boy give $50,000.00 of his successful damages claim to the Club by way of consolation for having him out????  Also that extra player incident could only be deemed "cheating" if they did it on purpose but it was just a mistake quickly rectified and yeah what about Kirky's goal.  All up the draw seemed a fair result though as both teams never gave up for a minute.

  25. $25,000 was suspended and they're lucky not to have lost the 2 points they have (although north melbourne are still challenging it) quit complaing all you swans supporters. and daNI3L what about the one that was touched by firitto and payed a goal i was sitting 2 metres away from it. Besides how is it a mistake?1 goes on 1 comes off its that simple. Tell me if i'm wrong but is that how it works? not 2 go on 1 come off etc. Sydney are the dirtiest side in the league by far. Im just glad barry hall didn't play. We would have no players for this weeks game because they'd all be in hospital

  26. absolute bull sh*t

    it has no effect on the game

    what about kirky's NON GOAL

  27. As you must know by now, they only have to pay $25,000, half was suspended.

    personally i think they got out of it lightly, if the roos captain had of called for a head count, the entire score at the time would of been wiped off the scoreboard.

    It had some bearing on the result because jolly should not of been on the ground and he had a handball which resulted in a score for the swans, lucky they didn't take the score of them, very lucky.

  28. I always thought if you got caught with extra men on the field then you lost your entire score.  But there was no monetary penalty.  Either the laws have changed or I was wrong to start with...

  29. They were actually fined 15k, not 50k, but 50k would have been too much just for a little mistake that they fixed anyway.

  30. Yes, but it will stop all the other coaches thinking about putting a 19th man on the ground. For 7.5k you could do it. and plead ignorant to save a game, 50k you would stop and think about it, wouldn't you?

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