
Swastika question???

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I know the n***s used it as their symbol, but where did it come from and is there a deeper meaning to it?




  1. The Swastika did not originate with the n***s.  In fact, the Hindu religion has been using it as a symbol of various deities for over 2000 years.  Hitler actually borrowed it from a group of religious monks in the mountains in Poland.  He killed the monks and took the symbol of their fayth as his own national symbol.

  2. The swastika has been used by many peoples from the dawn of time. It is easily drawn and means many things to many people. Our own American Indians used it too but reversed.  

  3. In modern times it has been used as a symbol of hate - I'm half german and my mother lived there during WW2 and she told me of the brutality of the n***s towards their own people. They make the kkk look like cub scouts... no reason for hate & oppression and ignorance in this day and age. That goes against the very principals this country was founded on.

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