
Swearing on the bible in court?

by Guest31825  |  earlier

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what do people of different religions swear on the court if they dont have a bible? like muslims and such? and what about atheists? whats the point of swearing on the bible because they have no obligations, so what do they swear on?




  1. Even when there was a Bible there were other ways. You still took an affirmation to tell the truth, that covered Atheists AND some Religions(I know Amish but not sure which others) that can't swear on the Bible because it is against their religion. Anyway you STILL have an obligation to the Court, it's called PERJURY.

  2. What makes you think that you have to swear on a bible in court?  All witnesses must either swear or make an affirmation to tell the truth, but there's been no bible in any court where I've appeared...

  3. I solemly swear to tell the whole truth and nothing but the truth..........

    I dont KNOW!

  4. People swear on a bible only in the movies and on TV.

    I have not seen a bible in a courtroom in decades.

    Each witness is afforded the opportunity to swear or to affirm to tell the truth.

    As a Quaker, I have chosen to make an affirmation to tell the truth when I have been called to testify.  Almost all judges simply acknowledge the diversity of persons' faiths.  It is no big deal.

  5. No-one swears on a Bible in a US court, and haven't done so for many years.


  6. Im athiest, good question, it certainly would mean nothing to me to swear on a bible,

    I will just be honest anyway.and state the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth

  7. I have not seen a bible in court for 20 years.

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