
Sweating problem...Dr's only please (unless you have same problem of course)?

by  |  earlier

0 LIKES UnLike matter how hot or cold I am, the RIGHT side of my face sweats...just the right side-my forehead, side of my nose, a bit of my cheek and upper lip. My neurologist has run many tests (MRI CAT) nothing shows in my blood work...tried a couple of meds...Keppra worked and I was approx 85% better but stopped taking because of horrible indigestion as a result of this med? Any ideas as to what it may be? Please help! I carry a small towel around with me all the going crazy! Am 27 yo female 5'9 138lbs




  1. I happen to take Keppra as well, so I understand the effects. I was surprised to read that you take this type of medication for this, it must be an off-label use.

    The problem was on TV the other day with live doctors on a UK programme called "Embarrassing Illnesses". The only thing to do is to either live with it, or have botox injected into your underarms/face/whereever you sweat to freeze the sweat glands.

    I take a beta blocker called Propranolol (you may know it as Inderal) and this helps sweating related to anxiety, but yours sounds like it's a hormonal thing.

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