
Sweaty problem? how do you deal with it?

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okay so its back to school now and it is HOT IN SCHOOL. everyone in the class is dying heat. theirs fans but it really isn't showing that their on.

so other then that my problem is that i sweat alot because its so hot.

and i dont like walking around smelling bad and sweat showing on my face from walking class to class. image what gym is going to be like.

and its really nasty and i feel gross walking like that.

so anyone have any idea what i can do from sweating all over my body ? oh and also i hate it because it makes my face so oily and then i brake out badly




  1. oh ok , take deoderant to school in your bag just in case try to wear clothes that arn't to heavy. If you wear a jumper/sweatshirt take it off and just wear/ shirt/polo-top , if you buy all your own uniform just buy lite shirts and trousers and especially shoes hacking round heavy shoes all day make you reallly  hot tired and SWEATY .

    hope this help x    

  2. Check your drugstore for "clinical strength" anti-perspirant.  There are new brands out that work very well, especially if you apply them the night before (so it has time to seep into your pores).

    A simple fix is simply to wear less clothing, but there is only so far you can go before it gets scandalous (no bikinis, please!).  

    Freeze a water bottle the night before, and carry it with you to class.  Drink as much as possible, and keep the cold bottle pressed against you the rest of the time.  Focus on your pulse points - your neck and wrists.  

    You can also go to the bathroom to sponge off your sweat and dampen a paper towel to apply your pulse points.

    Teachers usually give you a few minutes to change before the end of gym class, and there are usually showers - a quick rinse under cold water will cool you down and remove the sweat.

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