
Sweden/Iceland take Palestinian refugees living on Syria-Iraq border. Why will no Arab countries take them?

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"An estimated 2,300 Palestinians are living in desperate conditions in two refugee camps along the Syria-Iraq border, unable to return to Iraq or to cross the borders to neighbouring countries."




  1. Because the Palestinians and that the Arabs are against each other.  They are fight over Isreal. They both want it to be their religious sanctuary, since they are different religions Islamic vs. Judaism.  

  2. The Arabs won't take them because they serve the Arabs better by doing all the suffering for them.

    They want to see Israel and America fall but know it just isn't going to happen.  So the poor of Gaza take the heat .  It's all PR for them not a movement they want any part of.

    If Israel did fall then you would hear of all the sacrifice the Muslim world went through to accomplish it.


  3. because they don't care about their brothers and sisters, they just want to use them as pawns in their stupid war against israel. arabs treat each other like dirt, just look at how hamas and fatah torture each other and shave each other's mustaches and stuff. it's barbaric.

  4. Syria took around 250 Palestinian refugees before closing their borders. The Arab rulers are highly insensitive to Palestinian suffering, even as the Arab people profess sympathy for their plight. It could be compared to the refusal of European countries to take Jewish refugees. Tragic, but what can we do? It is hardly the refugees' fault.

  5. Arabs don't take them because they look down on "Palestinians" and need them to be refugees.

    So now you have 2,300 Arabs moving to 2 countries they are guranteed to hate and impose there foreign culture on the natives.

  6. And can you give me one free Arab country which is not ruled, either by dictators that are supported by US or by military occupation!

    If Arabs and Muslims can run their country, Palestinian conflict will be over and Jews will be sent back to Europe or where ever they came from.

  7. Sweden and Iceland are obviously very compassionate.  They should be commanded for their generosity.  I hope their good deeds serve as a positive example for the 22 Arab countries from which the Palestinian people originate.

  8. ask thir leaders hamas and abou mazen to solve this broblems not to quarrel with each other for leadership for getting thir nations situation

  9. The same question can be asked of the Jews? Why didn't Germany, Poland, Russia, Austria, Hungary, Romania Greece, Italy, France, Czechoslovakia etc take the Jews. An estimated 6 million Jews were killed, unable to return to Germany, Poland, Russia, Austria, Hungary, Romania, Greece, Italy, France, Czechoslovakia etc or to cross borders to neighboring countries.  

  10. They don't absorb them because if they did it would solve that 6 decades problem of Palestininan "refugees'..The Arab nations purposely keep them there to fued with Israel.

  11. The blame for the refugee problem is on the whole world. We sit in the West, nice and comfy, and knock refugees, Imagine. Shame...

  12. Because they do wish to collaborate with the zionist agenda to disperse them around the world in the hope they will disappear as a people and a culture via assimilation. In any event they have a homeland. Why are they in Sweden or Iceland? Why can they not return to Palestine? Are their homes gones? Has their land been taken? These are the questions we should be asking ourselves. They should not have any trouble returning from iraq to Palestine; they were in a refugee camp because their homeland is under hostile occupation by a profoundly racist element that should be dispersed that we may see an end to this vile oppression.  

  13. Also, the united states gives more money to the palestinians than any of the arab countries combined. but the arabs and palestinians still hate america. saudis would rather have 15 sport cars to look good in front of everyone than to give money to feed the hungry.

  14. I happen to be a citizen of Sweden and like anybody here, I cannot close my eyes to the suffering of those unfortunate Palestinians.

    The Jews have been "freezing" any funds diverted to the Palestinians for years now, so the statement that these people are getting monetary help from everywhere is completely false.

    I am happy to know that the vast majority of the Palestinians, don't even want to hear about leaving Palestine.

    It's their land and they want to fight for it.

    That's the way it should be actually.

    These people are a shining example to all Arabs around the world.

    They must stay there and fight until they win, but we'll help them and always be by their side because that's what humans must do when they see injustice happening.


  15. Ahem;

    "If we start giving the refuse dual citizenship, they will all come here and overcrowd us!  We can't have that this is our country!"

    That in a nutshell is the Arab attitude, even among the oil wealthy gulf states.  Oh, sorry, one of them is a "kingdom."  (police state, more like....)

    What is my view personally, as a misrahi Jew?

    Give us Israel, all of it, in exchange for Jerusalem.  What matters more, a safe home for misrahi Jews, or a bunch of old stones?

    Jerusalem is symbolic of the Jewish people's humiliation, it is not a capital, it is not a symbol of any sort, but more than anything, a scar, a blight.

    The Arabs want their precious mosque so bad then let them have the whole damned city.  The west bank, for Jerusalem.  That way they can have all 3 of their holy cities for themselves.  Jerusalem, I feel, should be given to Jordan; a road should connect the city to the country, and it should be exclusively an Arab city.  In exchange for the whole of the west bank.

    If Jews wish to pray at the western wall, then there should be a fee or something, the one condition is that they respect the western wall so that religious Jews may pray there.

    If they don't agree then, I would show them what the tribe of Judah was all about, and how my ancestor David would deal with them.

    Unlike the Levite descended ashkenazi, I, as a Misrahi, I'm not a coward.

    Israel, in exchange for Jerusalem, with religious Jews allowed to pray at the western wall, and to have settlements outside city limits.

    Is not a home for Jews, Hebrew and non Hebrew, more important?  What is one city full of old stone, and bad memories, compared to the whole of the west bank?

    To make sure the Arabs won't try anything funny the entire underground should be laced with bombs, so if there is even so much as spray paint on the western wall, the city is blown up with all the Arabs in it.  Oh, sorry, I'm just thinking like Tokugawa Ieasu.

    Bushido, is the one code capable of defeating Jyhad.

    Just how I feel; give Jerusalem to the Arabs, but make sure that the entire underground is laced with bombs, but don't tell them.  And if any Arab spray paints the wall, blow it up.  With the Arabs still in it.

    If anyone protests I would simply say "oh, sorry, must have picked up some bad Farhud habits....."

    Oh, what if Jews are praying at the wall?  Well most of them are ashkenazi anyway so it doesn't matter, you wanna make an omelet.....


  16. Well for one the Arabs are so TRIBAL that if there is one peacemaking leader that actually wants to solve the problem they will want to assasinate them and chop off their head!!!

    they tried to over run Jordan in the late 60's they used a jordanian soldier's head as soccer practice and tried to assassinate King Hussein.  In Lebanon we saw what they did from their ghetto the Lebanese army had to fight them they refused to assimilate as much to do with them not assimilating as Lebanon not taking them in.

    Putting this at the feet of the Arab world although it rightfully belongs there (mostly with Egypt and Syria they rightfully need to foot the bill) is like waiting for something that is not going to happen.  Since when you see them evolve into peacekeepers they can't agree on nothing without violence!

    It's a world problem let the friendlier Western countries absorb them America can absorb the whole west bank and the moment one of them says jihad we gonna smack em upside their head.

    Don't let any more go to France they already shouted to Paris riot police "get out of my occupied France" and don't send them to Londonistan they will build a second giant mosque those countries already have too much to handle.

    Nobody wants a re-enactment of gaza and that is EXACTLY what has happened in every other country a large group has been in they over-run the place and that is applied equally to Arab soil versus  Euro soil.

    America really does assimilate the best though and can take 5 mil :) and that is my final offer "Regis." 1 mil in Gaza will have to go somewhere else * I don't want them * make them go to Canada they are handling things well and can absorb more (you know you can.)

    They all have to get disbursed 200 is a drop in the bucket and accomplishes nothing except for 200 when 1/3 of all Palestinians want out and if they are let out the rest would follow. So let them out and the ones that remain Israel already has 20 percent Arabs it is not fair they should absorb more. But let's see what numbers are left after a passport is offered to Western countries there will be "friendlies" that want to stay in Israel and "hostiles" that still want to fight for "palestine" it will be easier to weed out the hostiles.

  17. Because no Arab state wishes to encourage their dislocation from the Holy Land. It is a zionist agenda to dissseminate them around the globe and see them disappear into the melting pot. From the Islamic point of view,they have a right to their homeland and I concur.  

  18. Palestinians belong to Palestine and not to any other place in the world .  besides the European countries who volunteer to accept them only accept the Christians and not the Muslim Palestinians . why the nice Israel doesn't allow those poor people who are only 2000 to go back to their homes in Palestine ? they say Israel is civilized and democratic .

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