
Swedish Fish VS. Sour Patch?

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Which do you like more and why?

I ask this because my dad works for cadbury adams and i have loads of SF, SP, stride, and trident in my closet. =]




  1. sour patch kiddsss :)...i only like the green swedish fish...unless they are the mini ones..i like sour stuff..i can eat lemmons like apples ;)

  2. Sour Patch because i love sour candy

  3. The Swedish Fish vs Sour Patch debate entirely depends on your mood for the day.

    Both offer a wide selection of flavours (ok, four), few of which are at all fruit-like.  However, it is the tang and texture that separates the two.  Swedish Fish have more of a "tooth" to them - they are chewier without hurting my teeth.  Sour Patch Kids have that super-sour coating of gritty sugar (spiked with Asorbic Acid).  So, are you in a sweet mood or sweet-sour mood?  Sour Patch Kids are great because they offer both!  However, I can certainly eat more Swedish Fish in one sitting because they don't burn the skin off my inner cheeks and tongue after 4 bites.

    So...I call it a draw.

  4. sOUR PATCH.  

  5. swedish fish  

  6. Swedish Fish - hands down

    Though the gold medal of sweets goes to the blackcurrant pastille.

  7. hmmm....

    thats a toughy

    but im gonna have to go with swedish fish

    cuz i suck the "sour" sour patch kids

    && it makes my tongue like...raw.


  8. Swedish Fish because I like candy like that and I get a weird feeling when I eat sour stuff

  9. swedish fish, i hate sour stuff

  10. swedish fish hands down=]

  11. Both Awesome When Stoned Or Not But Being Blazed Makes Them Extra Special d**n You Have Me Getting The Munchies For Swedish Fish & Sour Patch Kids U Suck! Totally LOL  

  12. I love the little fishies!  :D  Especially the red ones.

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