
Sweet 16 ideas ?

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i dnt wanna have a big party jst with friends .

what can i do ?




  1. reserve a club like thing or something. and only play the latest music!! :)

  2. -Sugary sweet 16th: A very candy based party

    -MA Movie

    -Dress up party: Everyone dresses up as something that begins with the same letter as their name

    -Sleepover:Play some truth or dare and other fun girly games

    -Movie night: Watch all your favourite childhood(and teen-hood) movies

    -Pool Party: Have a party at someone's house who has a pool

    -Toilet paper: Everyonemake their costume outta toilet paper and then has a catwalk.

    All these parties people I know have had, and enjoyed quite a lot.

  3. Just have a pool party or barbeque party with a Hawaiian Theme (Luau).

  4. You could have a treasure hunt! Umm.. you could have a themed party and make it something cute and girly.. Barbie, My Little Pony.. You could make it kind of sleepoverish, where you guys can rent movies and play board games.

  5. well, maybe you can invite like 10 people over for a sleepover and have a scavenger hunt

  6. Thats nice!! Maybe Like you can go 2 the mall and spend there all day then go back 2 ur house 4 like a sleepover or something with just ur friends, or take a couple of friends and go 2 stay in The DisneyLand Hotel 4 like a day or 2!!! I hope u find something fun!!!

    Happy Birthday!!

    Ps: I know these ideas r dumb but its all i could really think of!!!

  7. try a themed pool party or try renting a limo and have a night out riding around town

  8. try here

    a whole bunch of themes!

    good luck and happy b-day

  9. lots of things to think about here... gooc luck!
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