
Sweet 16 party ideas???

by Guest44629  |  earlier

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My daughter will turn 16 in October and I'm looking for ideas for her party. We can't spend a forture like they do on that MTV show, but I'm looking for some less expensive but creative ideas to make it special. What suggestions do you have?




  1. why dont you make it a musical theme like grease or hairspray ..that was gonna be the theme at my sweet sixteen..

    or a bonfire/luau

  2. make a paris theme





  3. themed parties are pretty lame for 16 year olds, especially if there are boys. instead just have good food (cupcakes, flavored chips, jones soda) and some simple games.

    boys and girls party-play charades/pictionary/capture the flag boys vs/ girls.

    girls only-sleepover! go out to dinner first, catch a movie, then party at home! keep it simple and memorable!

    hope this helps!

  4. For my Sweet 16 my parents rented a skating rink (it was a little more expensive than just renting the party room but I felt so cool having it all to myself!). I could choose the music and all my friends had so much fun. Then when everything was winding down they opened up the rink to let us just dance, it was great!  

  5. Here's a list of party theme ideas you can check out:

  6. I will be turning that age in a matter of months and I've already started planning so I have a few ideas..

    My friends who have turned 16 have kept it really simple but great otherwise. I do think that the amount of guests she has well change prices but anyway.. Here's some suggestions:

    1. Dinner party. If your a great cook its more convenient but you can always by the food or something. Have guests come dressed up. It can be formal (maybe even bring an escort) or if you have a theme like the beach, 70's, 80's are popular theme parties now, or whatever theme your daughter has in mind. Have family members serve as waiters... its easy to go along with this one.

    2. Limo. This is my 2nd coice for a party right now. if you can get a good cost limo service that can pick up the guest at your house and drive them wherever (bowling alley, restaurant, movies, etc) and let them hang out for a while and pick them back up.

    3. Mall hunt. I had this for my 13th and I don't think you can get too old to do this one. If your familiar with th emovie Sleepover you can maybe understand what I mean. Make a list of things for your guests to find in a mall. Give them five dollars to start out with, but keep your daughter in mind. Maybe have them buy her favorite color flip flops, flavor lip gloss, etc. Give them a polaroid camera and they can pose as mannequins in the store windows. You'll have to do research though because some malls and store owners don't like the idea.

    4. Amusement park. Unleash your party into an amusement park. Have them sing happy birthday  to her in every line they wait in. Having some adult friends or parental authority would be needed though as to not have anyone separated from the party.

    And any great party can end with a sleepover.

    Hope I helped and I hope your daughter enjoys her birthday!

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