
Sweet & Sour Chicken Balls Help?

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I've used numerous recipes they are all fine but they dont look like balls. I want them to look like balls like the one's in Chinese restarants how do I do this?


Pictures Included 001.jpg




  1. the ones from the chinese always look perfect because the chicken is reformed with all kinds of c**p added to it. the ones you make are better because what you are using is pure chicken. not saying i don't love the chinese one though lol

  2. Those are just hunks of chicken that is dipped in a liquid batter and fried.  Most home recipes probably call for a dry breading of flour, rather than wet.  Just find yourself a nice, all-purpose frying batter (for onion rings, mushrooms, c hicken, whatever) and use that.

  3. Make the balls nice and round and dip into batter.

    Batter:- Fish

    120 g flour

    1 Tsp baking powder

    1 egg

    salt to taste

    1/4 cup water

    2 tablespoons vinegar

    Mix dry ingredients, then water, then vinegar and last the beaten

    egg to make a smooth batter.

    Dip the fish into a little extra flour then into the batter. Then

    shallow or deep fry the fish.

    This could be used for anything as it is an excellent batter.

  4. I didn't know chickens had balls.

  5. ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!!

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