
Sweet sixteen party games?

by  |  earlier

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O.K., I'm having 50 to 75 people at my house for my sweet sixteen. I really need some good games that a lot of people can play. Or something that will entertain everyone. I already have dancing lined up but really a party from 7 till 11 just dancing is kinda boring. The party is at my house so the games need to be good for small spaces. Thanks:) P.S. also any other input would be great. My theme is Hollywood stars.




  1. do some old school stuff like 7 minutes in heaven, sopin the bottle, truth or dare. have fun with it. play twister that would be fun with guys lol

  2. Theres nothing like a good game of pin the tail on donkey. Nah get whip cream and make people l**k it off of each other.

  3. movie camera pinata:


    black or gold metallic beads from oriental trading.

    Directors clapboard photo frame from oriental trading.

    Sunglasses from windy city novelties (make sure to buy adult ones).

    Make these lollipops by melting chocolate in microwave, spoon in mold and freeze.  Easy.

    We had a hollywood party and we bought some life size celebrity standees.  This went over really well for photo taking.  The cheapest I found them were on ebay and if you buy more than 1 they combine shipping:  

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