
Sweet sixteen rave.?

by  |  earlier

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For my sixteenth, i want a huge party.. with ALL my friends.. no presents just all of us having a laugh

Thing is, i dont know what to do seeing as my family are divided (mums side doesnt like dads gfs side)

SO should i have a big themed event in a rented hall or a house party!





  1. If your worried about a possible argument then better to have the party at a public venue as people are less likely to cause a scene as they become conscious of this. Hope it goes well and you enjoy yourself.

  2. It depends. If you want a house party, you could most likely pull off some crazy decorations, and/or a dj or something. A public place would probably keep people from fighting, but you'd have to cut down on decorations and fun stuff. I'd go with a house party, and tell BOTH sides of the family that you know they have problems with each other, but to please try to get along for your big night. I hope that helps!!


  3. Do a costume party that no one knows who there talking to. Or do a masquerade. I love having costume party's

    Best of luck .  
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