
Swim Bladder Disease!!!! HELP!

by Guest10834  |  earlier

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My fish has been suffering from Swim Bladder Disorder for about a week now, I tried fasting him for a few days and giving him some peas. He ate the peas and pooped, but he hasn't gotten any better. He's actually gotten worse! He used to wedge himself under the filter to keep himself from floating upwards. And last night he was swimming around and I was so surprised to see it, I thought he was better. But this morning he was just floating at the top of the tank, looking totally hopeless and pathetic. He can't even swim at all. He tries so hard and just gets tired and frustrated, he just gives up. I went to the pet store and they had no medications for swim bladder, they didn't even know what I was talking about when I said that my fish had it. I can't do the Epsom salts thing cause my tank doesn't have a heater. WHAT DO I DO!!!!???? Help! I can't even look at him without crying. The poor thing's just suffering.

And no I will not flush him! So please do not say anything like that. My last option is to have him euthanized, and that's my LAST option.




  1. Peas help constipated fish, but will not treat infections, tumors, genetic predisposition, or poisoned fish.  The uneven swelling, unfortunately, sounds like a tumor.  Luckily, fish can live out the rest of their lives in many cases with tumors as long as they aren't cancerous.  You may want to try feeding it medicated food soaked in Kanaplex, Maracyn 2, Terramycin, or Furan 2... maybe even metronidazole (Metronidazole, Hexamit, Flagyl).  The best thing to do at this point would be to keep his water very clean and give him a proper sized tank.  Let the lady know that whatever it is, it's not infectious, and will not harm her other fish.

  2. How is your fish housed and how big is it?  Sometimes swim bladder disorders become chronic if the fish has stunted growth.  True swim bladder disease is pretty much uncurable.


  3. Keep feeding him peas ...that's all I can think of. It may take a while to get working!

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