
Swim cheers?

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I'm on a swim team and we really need some new cheers, our team is the sharks.




  1. we have a few cheers. one of them is this:

    coaches: who rocks the pool, who rocks the pool?!

    team: we rock the pool, we rock the pool!

    coaches: who makes the rules, who makes the rues?!

    team: we make the rules, we make the rules!

    coaches: who's gonna fight and win the race?!

    team: we're gonna fight and win the race!

    coaches: who's gonna put (insert other teams name) in their place?!

    team: we're gonna put (insert other teams name) in their place!

    all: we are (team name), and we're gonna rock the pool, hauh! we are (team name) and we're gonna rock the pool, hauh

    hope that helps. its mostly shouting w/o a tune, so it shuld work.

  2. its kinda hard because "sharks" is just one consonant.

    well my team does this:

    V-I-C-T-O-R-Y THATS OUR COUGAR BATTLE CRY LETS GOOOOOOOOOOO LETS GOOOOOOOOOO and you repeat that over and over. it has a tune with it but you cant really hear that. hope i helped!

  3. heyy we were the sharks too! here are some goodies

    main person yells and then the repeat is in ()

    Down by the river! (Down by the river)

    We took a little walk (We took a little walk)

    We met up with "other mascot" team

    And we had a little talk  (And we had a little talk)

    well we threw them in the river (well we threw them in the river)

    and hung them out to dry (and hung them out to dry)

    cause we can beat the "other mascot" (cause we can beat the "other mascot" )

    (all together) ANY OLD TIME

    another is the hitting the water and clapping one

    hit the water 7x  clap 7x

    hit the water 5x clap 5x

    hit the water 3x clap 3x

    hit the water 1x clap 1x  and then punch the air and say "S"

    continue this until you spell out SHARKS

    and then do the water and clap routine one more time but on the hit the water 1xy ou say Lets, then on the clap 1x you say go and then punch the air and say sharks

    simple enough?have fun!

  4. ok well here's some my swim team does:

    captains/coaches: we are the sharks and guess what we got

    team: what do you got?

    captains/coaches: we got a team that's hotter than hot!

    team: how hot are they?

    everyone: fly, back, breast, free too! uh-huh, uh-huh, we're gonna beat the whopee outta you!

    this one works on a girls team or just have the girls do kinda say it like you're singing a song rather than shouting a's hard to explain, just say it however sounds right to you:

    sharks chicks--no one can beat us! we swim fast and wear adidas sandals!

    anywhere we have to race, we know that we're gonna place

    win or lose, we're having fun!

    we won't quit until we're done!

    we've got heart, where we play!

    take you on ANYDAY!

    ole, ole, ole, ole, OLE, OLE!

    ole, ole, ole, ole, OLE, OLE!

    butterflyers: everywhere we go, people wanna know, who we are, so we tell them, we are the butterflyers, the mighty mighty butterflyers

    backstrokers: everywhere we go, people wanna know, who we are, so we tell them, we are the butterflyers, the mighty mighty backstokers

    do this for all four strokes and then at the end have the whole team sing it and put sharks instead of butterflyers, backstrokers, etc.
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