
Swim coach being unfair and unprofessional?

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Reasons why I don't like her:

When my so called friend blabbed to the world who I fancy and that I'm jealous of the girl he flirts with my swim coach teased me about this 3 times and has told me she's seen proof of them together

She wouldn't time me on sprints when she said she would more than once and she timed everyone else

When we had to go home early from swimming one day she offered to pick up some other girls in her car but didn't even ask how I'd get home

In training sessions she praises me for doing something good, but I still feel like she favours people. She spent an extra 20 minutes with another girl to concentrate on her stroke while she got us to finish the set with another coach

Am I overreacting or is my swim coach being unprofessional?




  1. Try to calm down. You showed your cards when you started your question with "Reasons why I don't like her." Whether you like her and whether she is unprofessional are separate questions. Don't mix them up. She might be unprofessional, but it sounds like you are itching for a fight.

    No, she shouldn't have teased you, but isn't the real culprit your "so called friend" that did the blabbing? I'd be angry at that person first.

    Not timing you on your sprints could have been an oversight or a miscommunication -- not necessarily an intentional thing.

    You say she praises you for doing things right, but that's not enough? Just because she spent a few minutes of concentrated time with someone else doesn't me she is playing favorites. The next person she spends time with may be YOU.

    As far as treating people differently -- She's a human being, so just like you, she's going to like some people more than others. Everyone has a different idea of what "treating people fairly" means. Who would you rather spend time with -- the person who can laugh at their own petty jealousies, or the one whining "You didn't time my sprints!"

    I suggest you take a deep breath. She's your coach -- you don't have to like her.

  2. the bottom line is that she is there as your coach.  If you don't like her, she can likely tell and even adults don't react well to someone who doesn't like us.  you may want to consider changing teams - if that isn't an option and you want to keep swimming for her, you need to find a way to look at the situation objectively.  Once you feel that you can do that, you need to schedule a meeting with her and speak to her openly and honestly about finding ways to resolve your differences enough that you can have a healthy coach/athlete relationship.

  3. I think you might be overreacting if you might have done or said something to her 9 not saying that you did) or if you ever asked her to change your event (coaches hate that)

    also about the timeing and stuff it is hard for coaches to do everything especially if there are a lot of people on your team

    I know for a fact coaches have favorites and it is definatly annoying but you just have to get over it or proove to her that you should be her favorite

  4. she is being unprofessional.  first, she should have never joined in on the conversation about you and another boy.  you should report this to whoever is in charge of her (principal, etc..).  She should time you for sprints also if she is timing everyone else.  Also your coach should not be giving anyone rides home, this is not professional.

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