
Swim team question?

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So, what is your opinion on joining swim team?

rate 1-10

and/or description and if you recommend it?





  1. 6

    I'm on the swim team, and its the best work out I've ever expierienced. It's also the hardest though, and really boring during long sets. I love my team, but everyday swimming at 5am before school and then to 5pm after is quite annoying. But I guess I could never quit after all of my dedication.

  2. 9.......teh head coach at my school is really nice. the frosh/soph coach...not so much. i'm personally a water polo, so i say you should go for that. ^^) but if your into swimming you should deffenatly go for it!

  3. definetly 10 especially if you enjoy swimming. swim team takes a lot of hard work, time, perseverance, and effort, but if you are willing to put all of that in, then you will do great! from swimming, i have learned how to manage my time, and plus it has built my confidence a lot. it's also a great exercise and going to meets are great!! also i made a LOT of great friends on swim team!!

  4. 10 - its great exercise, great opportunity to learn some

    discipline, team mates tend to be very solid and swimmers often have the best academic records

    You also develop a LIFE LONG skill that you can always return to for exercise, stress relief and socialization.

  5. 7

    the team aspects are fantastic. all that team spirit and support, even in a sport that is technically "individual"

    however, there are frustrating aspects too. Like if you work hard but you still can't cut time. Or if your coach's opinions differ from yours and he puts you in an event that you don't normally swim in (and quite frankly, might be lousy at )

    and also, the long sets and daily practices take up lots of time. Don't start if you've already got a busy schedule.

    But overall, I'd say the good outweighs the bad. You get  into great shape (whether you want to lose weight or gain muscle)

    and build up endurance, which will be helpful not just in sports but in life too.

    you should join! :]

    p.s. many swimmers are people who have bad eye coordination! haha just because we can't throw or catch a ball extremely well doesn't mean we're not athletic!

  6. 10 it is the best sport it is wonderful exersice u will love it

  7. 10

    it is the GREATEST thing in the entire world. You make amazing friends, and its almost always a great experience, as long as your coach is good. If you have a bad coach, then its not as fun. Also, swimming is an individual sport, so if you thrive off the team aspects, you may not enjoy it. But the social life is great. Your swim friends become a family to you, and it is the greatest feeling in the world. of course, getting medals and ribbons and improving times isnt too bad either :]

  8. I would give it a rating of 8 which is very good. Just note that this is from my prespective and we don't do doubles or anything like that on a day-to-day basis so just realize that it could be worse in other cases like if I was on a different team.

    For a description there's really no easy way to describe it. You meet a lot of new people on the team and in most cases you meet new friends. Things like pasta parties and bus rides can be very interesting and of course you do all of this while you're getting in shape.

    I would definitely recommend it but then again just make sure if you want to join that you have the time committment to do it. Talk with the coach before you go for your first practice to get a feel for life with the team and how much it would impact you. If you do have doubles then you really have a lot to think about. Honestly if any team I was on did doubles I would have to quit, I just couldn't do doubles. Practices usually last about 2 and a half hours and doulbes are typically 2 hours each, one practice before school and another after school and some people like myself just couldn't pull that off. Just think about things like that when you make your decision about joining.

  9. 10!!!! I have been swimming my whole life and I absolutely LOVE it!!!! it is a very hard sport, you have to have determination and perseverance. I am a state swimmer and swimming is the best sport that was ever invented! you should definetly go out for swimming. It is the best workout you could possibly get. It works all your muscles in your body you get GREAT abs and you get stronger than the weight lifting boys!!!! hahah its true! :)

  10. 9. I am a member of two swim teams myself, one of which is a club swim team, the other is a high school team. The reasons why I recommend joining is that it is an amazing form of exercise for your body and the people that you meet who are also in the team are quickly made your friends. It's kind of hard not to become close when everyone is only in swim suits.

    The only reason that I did not rate joining a team a 10 is because generally joining a swim team entails a great amount of time that needs to be devoted. Furthermore, you will smell like chlorine almost constantly and the chemicals in pools are bad for the skin, eyes, and hair.
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